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orange grass

  • 1 orange grass

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > orange grass

  • 2 orange grass

    English-russian biological dictionary > orange grass

  • 3 grass

    grass 1.трава; злак; дёрн; pl злаковые травы; 2. пастбище; пастись; 3. зарастать травой; 4. засевать травой
    alang grass императа цилиндрическая, Imperata cylindrica
    Aleppo grass гумай, сорго алепское, Sorghum halepense
    alfa grass эспарто, трава альфа, Stipa tenacissima
    alkali grass униола колосистая, Uniola spicata
    aloe grass алетрис мучнистый, Aletris farinosa
    American beach grass песколюб короткоязычковый, Ammophila breviligulata
    American panic grass просо колумбийское, Panicum columbianum
    annual meadow grass мятлик однолетний, Poa annua
    Arctic holy grass зубровка малоцветковая, Hierochloe pauciflora
    Arctic spear grass мятлик джунгарский, Poa dschungarica
    arrow grass 1. триостренник, Triglochin ; 2. аристида краснеющая, Aristida purpurascens
    awned wheat grass рэгнерия собачья, Roegneria canina
    awnless brome grass костёр трясунковидный, Bromus brizaeformis; костёр безостый, Bromus inermis
    Bahia grass гречка заметная, Paspalum notatum
    barbed panic grass просо шелкоплодное, Panicum microcarpun
    bareet grass леерсия шеститычинковая, рисовая трава, Leersia hexandra
    barn grass куриное просо, ежовник петушье просо, Echinochloa crusgalli
    barnacle grass взморник морской, Zostera marina
    barnyard grass куриное просо, ежовник петушье просо, Echinochloa crusgalli
    barren brome grass костёр бесплодный, Bromus sterilis
    beach grass песколюб песчаный, Ammophila arenaria
    beaked panic grass просо обоюдоострое, Panicum anceps
    bear grass юкка сизая, Yucca glauca; юкка нитчатая, Yucca filamentosa
    beard grass 1. многобородник монпелиенский, Polypogon monspeliensis ; 2. бородач, Antropogon
    bent grass полевица, Agrostis
    Bermuda grass свинорой пальчатый, бермудская трава, собачья трава, Cynodon dactylon
    billion-dallar grass куриное просо, ежовник петушье просо, Echinochloa crusgalli
    birdwood grass ценхрус щетинконосный, Cenchrus setigerus
    black grass 1. лисохвост мышехвостниковидный, Alopecurus myosuroides ; 2. ситник Герарда, Juncus gerardii
    black oat grass ковыль овсоподобный, Stipa avenacea
    blowout grass 1. тростянка, Scolochloa ; 2. оленья трава, мюленбергия, Muhlenbergia
    blue couch grass свинорой, Cynodon
    blue joint (reed) grass вейник канадский, Calamagrostis canadensis
    blue moor grass перловник голубой, Molinia coerulea
    blue panic grass просо ладьевидное, Panicum cymbiforme
    blue scorpion grass незабудка разноцветная, Myosotis versicolor; незабудка мелкоцветковая, Myosotis micrantha
    blue wheat grass пырей жёсткий, Agropyrum scabrum
    blue-eyed grass сисюринхий узколистный, Sisyrinchium angustifolium
    blunt panic grass просо притупленное, Panicum obtusum
    bog panic grass просо светлое, Panicum lucidum
    bottelbrush grass шероховатка, Asperella
    bristle grass щетинник, Setaria
    broad-leaved panic grass просо широколистное, Panicum latifolium
    brome grass костёр, Bromus
    brook grass поручейница, Catabrosa
    broom beard grass схизахирий м етловидный, Schizachyrium scoparium
    brown bent grass полевица собачья, Agrostis canina
    buffalo grass бухлоэ, бизонова трава, Buchloe dactyloides
    bunch grasses рыхлокустовые злаки
    bur grass 1. иглица, Echinaria ; 2. ценхрус якорцевидный, Cenchrus tribuloides
    burdock grass козлец кистевидный, Tragus racemosus
    bush grass вейник наземный, Calamagrostis epigeios
    bushy grasses кустовые злаки
    Campbell Island bent grass полевица антарктическая, Agrostis antarctica
    Canary grass канареечник канарский, Phalaris canariensis
    Carib grass шерстяк многоколосый, Eriochloa polystachya
    carnation grass осока просяная, Carex panicea; осока сизая, Carex glauca; осока мохнатая, Carex hirta
    carpet grass аксонопус сжатый, Axonopus compressus
    cat grass антистирия овсовидная, Anthistiria avenacea
    cat's-tail grass тимофеевка луговая, Phleum pratense
    catch fly grass гомалоценхрус чечевичковый, Homalocenchrus lenticularis
    cattail grass тимофеевка луговая, Phleum pratense
    cespitous grasses дернообразующие злаки
    cheat grass костёр кровельный, Bromes tectorum
    chee reed grass вейник наземный, Calamagrostis epigeios
    China grass рами, китайская крапива (Bochmeria nivea(
    cleavers grass подмаренник цепкий, Galium aparine
    cloud grass полевица тёмная, Agrostis nebulosa
    coast wheat grass пырей колючий, Agropyrum pungens
    cock grass костёр ржаной, Bromus secalinus
    cock's-foot grass ежа сборная, Dactylis glomerata
    cockspur grass куриное просо, ежовник петушье просо, Echinochloa crusgalli
    colonial bent grass полевица волосовидная, Agrostis tenuis
    Columbian grass колумбова трава, Sorghum almum
    common reed grass тростник обыкновенный, Phragmites communis
    congayam grass буйволиная трава, иглица реснитчатая, Echinaria ciliaris
    corn brome grass костёр раскидистый, Bromus squarrosus
    corn grass метлица полевая, Apera spicavinti
    cotton grass пушица, Eriophorum
    couch grass 1. растение с ползучими корневищами; сорняки, быстро размножающиеся корневищами; 2. паспалум двухрядный, Paspalum distichum
    crab grass 1. росичка кровяная, Digitaria sanguinalis ; 2. африканское просо, Pennisetum glaucum
    creeping bent grass полевица белая, Agrostis alba
    creeping soft grass бухарник мягкий, Holcus mollis
    creeping stem grass корневищное травянистое растение
    crested wheat grass пырей гребенчатый, Agropyrum cristatum
    curly grass схизея карликовая, схизея малая, Schizaea pusilla
    curly mesquite grass хилария, Hilaria
    cut grass леерсия рисовидная, Leersia oryzoides
    dallis grass паспалум расширенный, Paspalum dilatatum
    deer grass 1. оленья трава, мюленбергия, Muhlenbergia; 2. рексия виргинская, Rhexia virginica
    dennett grass колосняк полосатый, Elymus striatus
    dense panic grass просо густое, Panicum condensum
    densely tufted grasses плотнокустовые злаки
    desert wheat grass пырей пустынный, Agropyrum desertorum
    Devil's grass 1. пырей ползучий, Agropyrum repens; 2. паспалум двухрядный, Paspalum distichum
    dew grass ежа сборная, Dactylis glomerata
    ditch grass . руппия морская, Ruppia maritima
    dog's-tail grass гребневик обыкновенный, Cynosurus cristatus
    dog's-tooth grass 1. пырей собачий, Agropyrum canina; 2. свинорой пальчатый, бермудская трава, собачья трава, Cynodon dactylon
    dog's-tooth star grass хлорис растопыренный, Chloris divaricata
    downy brome grass костёр кровельный, Bromes tectorum
    downy lyme grass колосняк песчаный, Elymus arenarius
    dropseed grass мюленбергия Шребера, Muhlenbergia schreberi
    dudder grass адиантум венерин волос, Adiantum capillus-veneris
    dwarf meadow grass мятлик однолетний, Poa annua
    dwarf panic grass просо реснитчатое, Panicum ciliatum
    eared grasses колосовые злаки
    earstem grasses колосовые злаки
    East Indian lemon grass индийская лимонная трава, Cymbopogon flexuosus
    eastern blue-eyed grass сисюринхий атлантический, Sisyrinchium atlanticum
    Eaton's panic grass просо пренебрежённое, Panicum spretum
    elephant grass пеннисетум красный, Pennisetum purpureum
    Elliott's bent grass полевица Эллиота, Agrostis elliottiana
    European beach grass песколюб песчаный, Ammophila arenaria
    fairy grass трясунка средняя, Briza media
    faitours grass молочай острый, Euphorbia esula
    false brome grass коротконожка, Brachypodium
    false grass гомалоценхрус рисовидный, Homalocenchrus oryzoides
    feather grass ковыль перистый, Stipa pinnata
    felon grass горичник настурциевый, Peucedanum ostruthium
    fescue grass овсяница, Festuca
    few-flowered panic grass просо малоцветковое, Panicum oligosanthes
    fiddle grass кипрей мохнатый, Epilobium hursutum
    field (chess) brome grass костёр полевой, Bromus arvensis
    field scorpion grass незабудка полевая, Myosotis arvensis
    filiform fescue grass овсяница волосистая, Festuca capillata
    fine bent grass полевица обыкновенная, Agrostis vulgaris
    finger grass росичка, Digitaria
    fire grass невзрачница полевая, Aphanes arvensis
    firm-bunch grasses плотнокустовые злаки
    fish grass кабомба, Cabomba
    flat-stemmed meadow grass мятлик сплюснутый, Poa compressa
    flat-stemmed panic grass просо обоюдоострое, Panicum anceps
    flattened oat grass дантония сжатая, Danthonia compressa
    flax grass овёс пустой, овсюг, Avena fatua
    flexuous spur grass мятлик осенний, Poa autumnalis
    floating (manna) grass манник наплывающий, Glyseria fluitans
    forked panic grass просо вильчатое, Panicum dichotomum
    fountain grass пеннисетум скальный, Pennisetum rupelii
    four-leaved grass вороний глаз четырёхлистный, Paris quadrifolia
    fowl blue grass мятлик болотный, Poa palustris
    foxtail grass 1. канареечник каролинский, Phalaris caroliniana ; 2. щетинник мутовчатый, Setaria verticillata
    French grass псоралея эспарцетовидная, Psoralea onobrychis
    fringed brome grass костёр реснитчатый, Bromus ciliatus
    frog grass солерос европейский, Salicornia europaea
    galleta grass хилария твёрдая, Hilaria rigida
    gama grass трипсакум ежевидный, Tripsacum dactyloides
    German velvet grass бухарник мягкий, Holcus mollis
    giant rye grass колосняк гигантский, "песчаный овёс", Elymus giganteus
    glaucous spear grass мятлик сизый, Poa glauca
    glume grass чилибуха, рвотный корень, Strychnos nuxvomica
    goat grass эгилопс, Aegilops
    golden oat grass трищетинник желтоватый, Trisetum flavescens
    golden-eyed grass сисюринхий узколистный, Sisyrinchium angustifolium
    goose grass 1. елеузина индийская, Eleusina indica ; 2. пуцинелла приморская, Puccinella maritima
    great fescue grass овсяница гигантская, festuca gigantea
    great goose grass острица лежачая, Asperugo procumbens
    green bristle grass щетинник зелёный, Setaria viridis
    green foxtail grass щетинник зелёный, Setaria viridis
    green valley grass гумай, сорго алепское, Sorghum halepense
    Grisebach's panic grass просо игловидное, Panicum aciculare
    hair grass аира волосовидная, Aira capillaris
    hairlike love grass полевичка волосистовидная, Eragrostis trichoides
    hairy brome grass костёр шероховатый, Bromus asper
    hairy crab grass росичка кровяная, Digitaria sanguinalis
    hairy finger grass . росичка кровяная, Digitaria sanguinalis
    hard grass 1. жесткоколосница (Sclerochloa) ; 2. pl жёсткие злаки
    hare'stail grass зайцехвост яйцевидный, Lagurus ovatus
    heath grass зиглигния лежачая, трёхзубка, Sieglingia decumbens
    hengehog grass иглица, Echinaria
    herd's grass 1. полевица белая, Agrostis alba; 2. тимофеевка луговая, Phleum pratense
    hign grasses высокие злаки
    holy grass зубровка душистая (Hierochloё Aodorata)
    Hungarian brome grass костёр безостый, Bromus inermis
    Hungarian grass щетинник итальянский, Setaria italica
    Indian grass 1. аира голубая, Aira coerulea ; 2. соргаструм поникающий, Sorghastrum nutans
    Italian rye grass плевел итальянский, Lotium italicum
    Japanese lawn grass зойсия японская, Zoysia japonica
    Johnson grass 1. гумай, сорго алепское, Sorghum halepense; 2. роговик униоловидный, Ceratochloa unioloides
    joint grass паспалум двухрядный, Paspalum distichum
    June grass тонгоног, келерия, Koeleria
    kangaroo grass темеда, Themeda
    knob grass коллинзония канадская, Collinsonia canadensis
    knot grass 1. пырей ползучий, Agropyrum repens; 2. спорыш, горец птичий, Polygonum aviculare
    Korean lawn grass зойсия японская, Zoysia japonica
    kunth's panic grass просо кроваво-красное, Panicum consanguineum
    lady grass канареечник тростниковидный, Phalaris arundinacea
    lady's hair grass трясунка средняя, Briza media
    lake reed grass вейник озёрный, Calamagrostis lacustris
    large crab grass росичка кровяная, Digitaria sanguinalis
    large-flowered spear grass мятлик выдающийся, Poa eminens
    lax-flowered panic grass просо рыхлометельчатое, Panicum laxiflorum
    lime grass луговик дернистый, щучка, Deschampsia caespitosa
    little-seed canary grass канареечник малый, Phalaris minor
    long-leaved panic grass просо длиннолистное, Panicum longifolium
    long-leaved reed grass вейник длиннолистный, Calamagrostis longifolia
    long-leaved rush grass спороболус шероховатый, Sporobolus asper
    loose-bunch grasses рыхлокустовые злаки
    love grass полевичка, Eragrostis
    low grasses низкие злаки
    low love grass полевичка малая, Eragrostis minor
    low spear grass мятлик укороченный, Poa abbreviata
    lyme grass колосняк песчаный, Elymus arenarius
    Manila grass зойсия, Zoysia
    manna grass манник, Glyceria
    marl grass клевер средний, Trifolium medium
    marram grass песколюб песчаный, Ammophila arenaria
    marsh grass спартина, Spartina
    marsh spike grass униола колосистая, Uniola spicata
    mat grass белоус, Nardus
    meadow fescue grass овсяница луговая, Festuca pratensis
    meadow grass мятлик луговой, Poa pratensis
    meadow love grass полевичка преломлённая, Eragrostis refracta
    meadow oat grass овсец луговой, Avenastrum pratensis
    meadow rougish grass мятлик обыкновенный, Poa trivialis
    meadow spear grass мятлик горный, Poa laxa
    melic grass перловник, Melica
    michaux's blue-eyed grass сисюринхий остроконечный, Sisyrinchium mucronatum
    millet grass бор развесистый, Milium effusum
    molasses grass паточная трава, Melinis minutiflora
    money grass погремок петушиный гребешок, Rhinanthus crista-galli
    moor grass 1. перловник голубой, Molinia coerulea; 2. росянка круглолистная, Drosera rotundifolia ; 3. сеслерия, Sesleria
    mountain spear grass мятлик горный, Poa laxa
    mountain timothy grass тимофеевка альпийская, Phleum alpinum
    mutton grass мятлик Фендлера, Poa fendleriana
    napier grass слоновая трава, Pennisetum purpureum
    narro reed grass вейник незамеченный, Calamagrostis neglecta
    narrow-leaved panic grass просо узколистное, Panicum angustifolium
    New England bent grass полевица горолюбивая, Agrostis oreophila
    nit grass пузатик, Gastridium
    nodding fescue grass овсяница поникающая, Festuca nutans
    nodding vanila grass зубровка Наши, Hierochloe nashii
    northern manna grass манник северный, Glyceria borealis; манник рыхлый, Glyceria laxa
    northern panic grass просо северное, Panicum boreale
    northern reed grass вейник северный, Calamagrostis hyperborea
    northern spear grass мятлик шафранный, Poa crocata
    northern wheat grass пырей пушистоцветковый, Agropyrum dasyanthum
    nut grass сыть круглая, Cyperus rotundus; сыть щетинистая, Cyperus strigosus
    oat grass 1. овёс пустой, овсюг, Avena fatua ; 2. трищетинник пенсильванский, Trisetum pennsylvanicum; 3. французский райграсс высокий, Arrhenatherum elatus
    old-witch grass просо волосовидное, Panicum capillare
    onion grass перловник, Melica
    orange grass зверобой горечавковидный, Hypericum gentianoides
    orchard grass ежа сборная, Dactylis glomerata
    painted grass двукисточник тростниковидный, Digraphis arundinacea
    pale manna grass манник бледный, Glyceria pallida
    pampas grass пампасная трава, Cortaderia
    panic grass 1. просо, Panicum; 2. куриное просо, ежовник петушье просо, Echinochloa crusgalli
    peavine grass чина посевная, Lathyrus sativus
    pemba grass пембская трава, Stenotaphrum dimidiatum
    penny grass погремок петушиный гребешок, Rhinanthus crista-galli
    perennial foxtail grass щетинник безбородый, Setaria imberbis
    perennial quaking grass трясунка средняя, Briza media
    permanent grasses многолетние злаки, многолетние травы
    pigeon grass росичка кровяная, Digitaria sanguinalis
    pin grass аистник цикутолистный, erodium cicutarium
    pine grass 1. вейник краснеющий, calamagrostis rubescens ; 2. овсяница аризонская, Festuca arizonica ; 2. блефаронеурон, Blepharoneuron; 2. хвощ полевой, Equisetum arvense
    pine purple grass вейник Лангсдорфа, Calamagrostis lansdorffii
    plains bristle grass щетинник крупноколосный, Setaria macrostachya
    plume grass 1. серебряная трава, мискантус (Miscanthus); 2. эриантус сахаристый, Erianthus saccharoides
    Poland manna grass манник наплывающий, Glyseria fluitans
    poly grass дербенник иссополистный, Lythrum hyssopifolia
    porcupine grass 1. триостренник, Triglochin; 2. аристида краснеющая, Aristida purpurascens
    poverty grass аристида вильчатая, Aristida dichotoma
    poverty grass худзония войлочная, Hudsonia tomentosa
    prairie grass 1. спороболус, Sporobolus; 2. акамптокладос, Acamptolados
    prairie spear grass мятлик аридный, Poa arida
    prickle grass куриное просо, ежовник петушье просо, Echinochloa crusgalli
    pudding grass мята болотная, Mentha pulegium
    purple crab grass росичка кровяная, Digitaria sanguinalis
    purple love grass полевичка гребешковая, Eragrostis pectinacea
    purple moor grass перловник голубой, Molinia coerulea
    purple panic grass просо малоопушённое, Panicum paucipilum
    purplish wheat grass пырей двухцветковый, Agropyrum biflorum
    quack grass свинорой, Cynodon
    quail grass целозия серебристая, Celosia argentea
    quake grass трясунка средняя, Briza media
    quaking grass трясунка средняя, Briza media
    quinea grass просо крупное, Panicum maximum
    quitch grass 1. свинорой, Cynodon; 2. пырей ползучий, Agropyrum repens
    rabbit-foot grass многобородник монпелиенский, Polypogon monspeliensis
    rabbit-tail grass зайцехвост яйцевидный, Lagurus ovatus
    rancheria grass вульпия мышехвостник, Vulpia myuros
    rat's-tail fescue grass вульпия мышехвостник, Vulpia myuros
    rattlesnake grass манник канадский, Glyceria canadensis
    red bent grass полевица северная, Agrostis borealis
    red fescue grass овсяница красная, Restuca rubra
    red field's grass редфильдия согнутая, Redfieldia flexuosa
    red-tailed fescue grass колосняк гигантский, "песчаный овёс", Elymus giganteus
    red-top false grass мятлик трёхцветковый, Poa triflora
    red-top panic grass просо полевицерядное, Panicum agrostoides
    reed canary grass двукисточник тростниковидный, Digraphis arundinacea
    reed grass 1. вейник тростниковидный, Calamagrostis arundinacea ; 2. канареечник птичий, Phalaris canariensis
    reed manna grass манник водный, Glyceria aquatica
    rhizomatous grasses корневищные злаки
    rib grass подорожник ланцетный, Plantago lanceolata
    ribbon grass двукисточник тростниковидный, Digraphis arundinacea
    rice grass 1. оризопсис, рисовидка, Oryzopsis ; 2. пиптохетиум, Piptochaetium
    ripgut grass костёр жестковатый, Bromus rigidus
    river grass флюминея, Fluminea
    rootstock grasses корневищные злаки
    rosha grass спороболус, Sporobolus
    rot grass жирнянка обыкновенная, Pinguicula vulgaris
    rough fescue grass овсяница алтайская, Festuca altaica
    rough hair grass полевица зимующая, Agrostis hiemalis
    rough rush grass спороболус скрытый, Sporobolus clandestinus
    rough-hairy panic grass просо щетинистое, Panicum strigosum
    rough-stalked meadow grass мятлик обыкновенный, Poa trivialis
    roughish panic grass просо беловолосое, Panicum leucothrix
    roung-fruited panic grass просо круглоплодное, Panicum sphaerocarpun
    rush grass спороболус, Sporobolus
    rush prairie grass мюленбергия остроконечная, Muhlenbergia cuspidata
    rush salt grass ежа раскидистая, Dactylis patens
    rush-cat's-tail grass скрытница камышевидная, Crypsis schoenoides
    rushlike timothy grass скрытница камышевидная, Crypsis schoenoides
    Russia grass манник наплывающий, Glyseria fluitans
    rye grass плевел, Lotium
    salt grass униола колосистая, Uniola spicata
    salt-marsh grass ежа раскидистая, Dactylis patens
    sand blue-eyed grass сисюринхий песчаный, Sisyrinchium arenicola
    sand grass 1. триплазис пурпурный, Triplasis purpurea ; 2. каламовильфа, Calamovilfa
    sape grass императа бразильская, Imperata brasiliensis
    saw grassмеч-трава, Cladium mariscus
    scented grass золотобородник, Chrysopogon
    scorbute grass ложечница арктическая, Cochlearia arictica
    scorpion grass незабудка болотная, Mysotis palustris
    scratch grass 1. мюленбергия ясменниколистная, Muhlenbergia asperifolia; 2. подмаренник цепкий, Galium aparine
    scurvy grass 1. ложечная трава, Cochlearia; ложечница лекарственная, Cochlearia officinalis; 2. серебряная трава, мискантус, Miscanthus
    scutch grass 1. пырей ползучий, Agropyrum repens; 2. свинорой пальчатый, бермудская трава, собачья трава, Cynodon dactylon
    sea grass 1. руппия морская, Ruppia maritima ; 2. солерос европейский, Salicornia europaea ; 3. армерия обыкновенная, Armeria vulgaris
    sea sand grass песколюб песчаный, Ammophila arenaria
    sea spear grass мятлик приморский, Poa maritima
    seashore alkali grass бескильница морская, Atropis maritima
    seashore grass полевица приморская, Agrostis maritima
    sedge grass 1. осока пенсильванская, Carex pennsylvanica ; 2. хвощ полевой, Equisetum arvense ; 3. аир тростниковый, ирный корень, Acorus calamus
    seneca grass зубровка душистая, Hierochlo odorata
    serpent grass горец змеиный, раковые шейки, Polygonum bistorta
    sharp-scaled manna grass манник остроцветковый, Clyceria acutiflora
    shave grass хвощ зимующий, Equisetum hyemale
    sheep's fescue grass овсяница овечья, Festuca ovina
    shelly grass пырей ползучий, Agropyrum repens
    shilling grass щитолистник обыкновенный, Hydrocotyle vulgaris
    shore grass 1. монантохлое прибрежный, Monanthochloe littoralis ; 2. подорожник одноцветковый, Plantago uniflora
    short grass 1. короткотравье, низкотравье; 2. pl низовые злаки
    short-leaved spear grass мятлик коротколистный, Poa brachyphylla
    short-stalked love grass полевичка коротконожковая, Eragrostis curtipedicellata
    signal grass ветвянка, Brachiaria
    silk grass 1. паспалум влагалищный, Paspalum vaginatum ; 2. юкка нитчатая, Yucca filamentosa; 3. ковыль хохлатый, Stipa comata; 4. серебряная трава, мискантус, Miscanthus
    silky grass эриокома заострённая, Eriocoma cuspidala
    silver grass серебряная трава, мискантус, Miscanthus
    silver hair grass аира гвоздичная, Aira caryophyllea
    Simpson's grass просо слабоволосистое, Panicum hemitomon
    slender fescue grass овсяница восьмицветковая, Festuca octoflora
    slender spike grass бухарник рыхлый, Holcus laxus
    slender wheat grass пырей нежный, Agropyrum tenerum
    slender-stemmed panic grass просо переплетённое, Panicum implicatum
    slough grass бекманния, Beckmannia
    small bur grass ценхрус каролинский, Cenchrus carolinianus
    small rush grass спороболус незаметный, Sporobolus neglectus
    small tufted love grass полевичка волосистая, Eragrostis polisa
    small-fruited panic grass просо мечелистное, Panicum ensifolium
    smaller seabeach grass просо горькое, Panicum amarum
    smooth brome grass костёр, Bromus
    smooth creeping love grass полевичка гипновидная, Eragrostis hypnoides
    smooth spear grass мятлик гладкий, Poa laevigata
    snake grass хвощ полевой, Equisetum arvense
    sod grasses дерновые растения, дерновые злаки
    soft grass бухарник, Holcus
    soft-leaved panic grass просо мягколистное, Panicum malacohpyllum
    soft-walis grass поручейница водная, Catabrosa aquatica
    sour grass щавель малый, щавелек, Rumex acetosella
    southern fescue grass овсяница беличья, Festuca sciurea
    southern grass просо горьковатое, Panicum amarulum
    sow grass ложечница вороньелаповидная, Cochlearia coronopus
    spider grass аристида трёхрядная, Aristida ternipes
    spike grass 1. униола метельчатая, Uniola paniculata; 2. песколюб песчаный, Ammophila arenaria
    spiked grasses колосовые злаки
    spiral-awned beard grass эриантус скрученный, Erianthus contortus
    spur grass камыш мощный, Scirpus robustus
    squirrel-tail grass ячмень гривастый, Hordeum jubatum
    star grass 1. алетрис, Aletris ; 2. хлорис прутьевидная (Chloris virgata) ; 3. ясменник пахучий, Asperula odorata
    stiff hairy panic grass просо метловидное, Panicum scoparioides
    stiff prairie grass 1. акамптокладос сидячеколосковый, Acamptoclados sessilispica ; 2. полевичка сидячецветковая, Eragrostis sessilispica
    stink grass полевичка опушённая, Eragrostis cilianensis
    stout love grass полевичка щетинистая, Eragrostis hirsuta
    strict blue-eyed grass сисюринхий торчащий, Sisyrinchium strictum
    strong-scented love grass полевичка крупная, Eragrostis major; полевичка крупноколосковая, Eragrostis megastachya
    Sudan grass суданка, суданская трава, Sorghum vulgare
    sugar grass поллиния, Pollinia
    surf grass филлоспадикс, Phyllospadix
    sward grass серебряная трава, мискантус, Miscanthus
    sweed reed grass цинна камышевидная, Cinna arundinacea
    Swiss rye grass плевел жёсткий, Lolium rigidum
    switch grass просо прутьевидное, Panicum virgatum
    sword grass камыш американский, Scirpus americanus
    sylvan spear grass мятлик лесной, Poa silvestris
    tall bent grass полевица высокая, Agrostis altissima
    tall manna grass манник водный, Glyceria aquatica
    tall oat grass французский райграсс высокий, Arrhenatherum elatus
    tall-fringed panic grass просо изменчивое, Panicum mutabile
    tall-growing grasses верховые злаки
    tape grass валлиснерия спиральная, Vallesneria spiralis
    tassel grass руппия морская, Ruppia maritima
    Terrel grass колосняк виргинский, Elymus virginicus
    Texas blue grass манник водный, Glyceria aquatica
    thatch grass просо прутьевидное, Panicum virgatum
    three-awned grass аристида, Aristida
    tickle grass полевица зимующая, Agrostis hiemalis
    tiger grass тизанолена, Thysanolaena
    timothy grass тимофеевка луговая, Phleum pratense
    toad grass ситник лягушечный, Juncus bufonius
    toetoe grass арундо, Arundo
    toothache grass ктениум душистый, Ctenium aromaticum
    toowomba canary grass канареечник луковичная, Phalaris bulbosa
    torpedo grass просо ползучее, Panicum repens
    tuft grasses кустовые злаки
    tufted hair grass луговик дернистый, Deschampsia caespitosa
    tufted spear grass мятлик смешанный, Poa confusa
    Tunis grass тунисская трава, Sorghum virganum
    turf forming grasses дернообразующие злаки
    turkey grass подмаренник цепкий, Galium aparine
    turtle grass 1. таласия, Thalassia; 2. взморник морской, Zostera marina
    tussock grasses туссоковые злаки
    twin bent grass полевица сдвоенная, Agrostis geminata
    twopenny grass луговой чай, Lysimachia nummularia
    upright brome grass костёр прямостоячий, Bromus erectus
    uva grass гинериум стреловидный, Gynerium sagittatum
    vanilla grass зубровка душистая, Hierochlo odorata
    velvet bent grass полевица собачья, Agrostis canina
    velvet grass бухарник шерстистый, Holcus lanatus
    velvety panic grass просо метельчатое, Panicum scoparium
    viper's grass синяк обыкновенный, Echium vulgare
    wart grass молочай солнцегляд, Euphorbia helioscopia
    warty panic grass просо бородавчатое, Panicum verrucosum
    Washington bent grass полевица болотная, Agrostis palustris
    water grass горчица полевая, Sinapis arvensis
    water whorl grass поручейница водная, Catabrosa aquatica
    wavy hair grass луговик извилистый, Deschampsia flexuosa
    wavy meadow grass мятлик горный, Poa laxa
    weak spear grass мятлик слабый, Poa debilis
    weedle grass ковыль хохлатый, Stipa comata
    western fescue grass овсяница западная, Festuca occidentalis
    western wheat grass пырей Смита, Agropyrum smithi
    wheat grass пырей, Agropyrum
    white grass 1. леерсия виргинская, Leersia virginica ; 2. гомалоценхрус виргинский, Homalocenchrus virginicus
    white-edged panic grass просо мелкое, Panicum tenue
    white-haired panic grass просо слабоворсистое, Panicum villosissimum
    whitetube star grass алетрис мучнистый, Aletris farinosa
    whitlow grass крупка, Draba
    widgeon grass руппия морская, Ruppia maritima
    wild false grass просо прутьевидное, Panicum virgatum
    wild oat grass дантония колосовидная, Danthonia spicata
    wild timothy grass мюленбергия Шребера, Muhlenbergia schreberi
    willow grass горец земноводный, Polygonum amphibium
    windmill grass хлорис мутовчатый, Chloris verticillata
    wire grass мятлик сплюснутый, Poa compressa
    witch grass пырей ползучий, Agropyrum repens
    witch panic grass просо волосовидное, Panicum capillare
    wood meadow grass мятлик шафранный, Poa crocata
    wood reed grass вейник сплетённый, Calamogrostis perplexa
    woody grasses деревянистые злаки
    woolly beard grass эриантус распростёртый, Erianthus divaricatus
    woolly panic grass просо шерстистое, Panicum lanuginosum
    worm grass жимолость приморская, Lonicera marylandica
    wrack grass взморник морской, Zostera marina
    yellow foxtail grass щетинник сизый, Setaria glauca
    yellow grass ситовник желтоватый, Pycreus flavescens
    yellow nut grass сыть съедобная, Cyperus esculentus
    yellow scorpion grass незабудка разноцветная, Myosotis versicolor
    yellow star grass гипоксис жестковолосистый, Hypoxis hirsuta
    yellow-eyed grass ксирис, Xyris
    zebra grass мискантус китайский зеброидный, Miscanthus sinensis zebrinus

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > grass

  • 4 grass

    1) трава; злак; дёрн; pl злаковые травы
    2) пастбище; пастись
    - Aleppo grass
    - alfa grass
    - alkali grass
    - aloe grass
    - American beach grass
    - American panic grass
    - annual meadow grass
    - Arctic holy grass
    - Arctic spear grass
    - arrow grass
    - awned wheat grass
    - awnless brome grass
    - Bahia grass
    - barbed panic grass
    - bareet grass
    - barn grass
    - barnacle grass
    - barnyard grass
    - barren brome grass
    - beach grass
    - beaked panic grass
    - bear grass
    - beard grass
    - bent grass
    - Bermuda grass
    - billion-dollar grass
    - birdwood grass
    - black grass
    - black oat grass
    - blowout grass
    - blue couch grass
    - blue joint grass
    - blue joint reed grass
    - blue moor grass
    - blue panic grass
    - blue scorpion grass
    - blue wheat grass
    - blue-eyed grass
    - blunt panic grass
    - bog panic grass
    - bottlebrush grass
    - bristle grass
    - broad-leaved panic grass
    - brome grass
    - brook grass
    - brown bent grass
    - buffalo grass
    - bunch grasses
    - bur grass
    - burdock grass
    - bush grass
    - bushy grasses
    - Campbell Island bent grass
    - Canary grass
    - Carib grass
    - carnation grass
    - carpet grass
    - cat grass
    - catch fly grass
    - cat's-tail grass
    - cattail grass
    - cespitous grasses
    - cheat grass
    - chee reed grass
    - China grass
    - cleavers grass
    - cloud grass
    - coast wheat grass
    - cock grass
    - cock's-foot grass
    - cockspur grass
    - colonial bent grass
    - common blue-eyed grass
    - common reed grass
    - compact-tussock grasses
    - congayam grass
    - corn brome grass
    - corn grass
    - cotton grass
    - couch grass
    - crab grass
    - creeping bent grass
    - creeping soft grass
    - creeping stem grass
    - crested wheat grass
    - curly grass
    - curly mesquite grass
    - cut grass
    - dallis grass
    - deer grass
    - dennett grass
    - dense panic grass
    - densely tufted grasses
    - desert wheat grass
    - devil's grass
    - dew grass
    - ditch grass
    - dog's-tooth grass
    - dog's-tooth star grass
    - downy brome grass
    - downy lyme grass
    - dropseed grass
    - dudder grass
    - dwarf meadow grass
    - dwarf panic grass
    - eared grasses
    - early branching panic grass
    - earstem grasses
    - East Indian lemon grass
    - eastern blue-eyed grass
    - Eaton's panic grass
    - elephant grass
    - Elliott's bent grass
    - European beach grass
    - fairy grass
    - false brome grass
    - feather grass
    - felon grass
    - fescue grass
    - few-flowered panic grass
    - fiddle grass
    - field brome grass
    - field chess brome grass
    - field scorpion grass
    - filiform fescue grass
    - fine bent grass
    - finger grass
    - fire grass
    - firm-bunch grasses
    - fish grass
    - flat-stemmed meadow grass
    - flat-stemmed panic grass
    - flattened oat grass
    - flax grass
    - flexuous spur grass
    - floating grass
    - floating manna grass
    - forked panic grass
    - fountain grass
    - four-leaved grass
    - fowl blue grass
    - foxtail grass
    - French grass
    - fringed brome grass
    - frog grass
    - galleta grass
    - gama grass
    - German velvet grass
    - giant rye grass
    - glaucous spear grass
    - glume grass
    - goat grass
    - golden oat grass
    - golden-eyed grass
    - goose grass
    - great fescue grass
    - great goose grass
    - green bristle grass
    - green foxtail grass
    - green valley grass
    - Grisebach's panic grass
    - Guinea grass
    - hair grass
    - hairlike love grass
    - hairy brome grass
    - hairy crab grass
    - hairy finger grass
    - hard grass
    - hare's-tail grass
    - heath grass
    - hedgehog grass
    - herd's grass
    - high grasses
    - holy grass
    - Hungarian brome grass
    - Hungarian grass
    - Indian grass
    - Italian rye grass
    - Japanese lawn grass
    - joint grass
    - June grass
    - knob grass
    - knot grass
    - Korean lawn grass
    - lady grass
    - lady's hair grass
    - lake reed grass
    - large crab grass
    - large-flowered spear grass
    - lax-flowered panic grass
    - lime grass
    - little-seed canary grass
    - long-leaved panic grass
    - long-leaved reed grass
    - long-leaved rush grass
    - loose-bunch grasses
    - loose-tussock grasses
    - love grass
    - low grasses
    - low love grass
    - low spear grass
    - lyme grass
    - Manila grass
    - manna grass
    - marl grass
    - marram grass
    - marsh grass
    - marsh spike grass
    - mat grass
    - matting panic grass
    - meadow fescue grass
    - meadow grass
    - meadow love grass
    - meadow oat grass
    - meadow rougish grass
    - meadow spear grass
    - melic grass
    - Michaux's blue-eyed grass
    - millet grass
    - molasses grass
    - money grass
    - moor grass
    - mountain spear grass
    - mountain timothy grass
    - napier grass
    - narrow reed grass
    - narrow-leaved panic grass
    - New England bent grass
    - nit grass
    - nodding fescue grass
    - nodding vanilla grass
    - northern manna grass
    - northern panic grass
    - northern reed grass
    - northern spear grass
    - northern wheat grass
    - nut grass
    - oat grass
    - old-witch grass
    - onion grass
    - orange grass
    - orchard grass
    - painted grass
    - pale manna grass
    - pampas grass
    - panic grass
    - peavine grass
    - pemba grass
    - penny grass
    - perennial foxtail grass
    - perennial quaking grass
    - perennial red cow grass
    - permanent grasses
    - pigeon grass
    - pin grass
    - pine grass
    - pine purple grass
    - plains bristle grass
    - plume grass
    - Poland manna grass
    - poly grass
    - poverty grass
    - prairie grass
    - prairie spear grass
    - prickly grass
    - pudding grass
    - purple crab grass
    - purple love grass
    - purple moor grass
    - purple panic grass
    - purplish wheat grass
    - quack grass
    - quail grass
    - quake grass
    - quaking grass
    - quitch grass
    - rabbit-foot grass
    - rabbit-tail grass
    - rattlesnake grass
    - red bent grass
    - red fescue grass
    - red field's grass
    - red-tailed fescue grass
    - red-top false grass
    - red-top panic grass
    - reed canary grass
    - reed grass
    - reed manna grass
    - rhizomatous grasses
    - rib grass
    - ribbon grass
    - rice grass
    - ripgut grass
    - river grass
    - rootstock grasses
    - rot grass
    - rough fescue grass
    - rough hair grass
    - rough rush grass
    - rough-hairy panic grass
    - roughish panic grass
    - rough-stalked meadow grass
    - round-fruited panic grass
    - rush cat's-tail grass
    - rush grass
    - rush prairie grass
    - rush salt grass
    - rushlike timothy grass
    - Russia grass
    - rye grass
    - salt grass
    - salt-marsh grass
    - sand blue-eyed grass
    - sape grass
    - saw grass
    - scented grass
    - scorbute grass
    - scorpion grass
    - scratch grass
    - scurvy grass
    - scutch grass
    - sea grass
    - sea sand grass
    - sea spear grass
    - seashore alkali grass
    - seashore grass
    - sedge grass
    - Seneca grass
    - serpent grass
    - sharp-scaled manna grass
    - shave grass
    - sheep's fescue grass
    - shelly grass
    - shilling grass
    - shore grass
    - short grass
    - short-leaved spear grass
    - short-stalked love grass
    - signal grass
    - silk grass
    - silky grass
    - silver grass
    - silver hair grass
    - Simpson's grass
    - slender fescue grass
    - slender spike grass
    - slender wheat grass
    - slender-stemmed panic grass
    - slough grass
    - small rush grass
    - small tufted love grass
    - smaller seabeach grass
    - small-fruited panic grass
    - small-leaved panic grass
    - smooth brome grass
    - smooth creeping love grass
    - smooth spear grass
    - snake grass
    - sod grasses
    - soft grass
    - soft-leaved panic grass
    - sour grass
    - southern fescue grass
    - southern grass
    - sow grass
    - spider grass
    - spike grass
    - spiked grasses
    - spiral-awned beard grass
    - spur grass
    - squirrel-tail grass
    - star grass
    - stick grass
    - stiff hairy panic grass
    - stiff prairie grass
    - stink grass
    - stout love grass
    - strict blue-eyed grass
    - strong-scented love grass
    - Sudan grass
    - sugar grass
    - surf grass
    - sward grass
    - Swiss rye grass
    - switch grass
    - sword grass
    - sylvan spear grass
    - tall bent grass
    - tall grasses
    - tall manna grass
    - tall oat grass
    - tall-fringed panic grass
    - tall-growing grasses
    - tape grass
    - tassel grass
    - Terrel grass
    - thatch grass
    - three-awned grass
    - tickle grass
    - timothy grass
    - toad grass
    - toetoe grass
    - torpedo grass
    - tuft grasses
    - tufted hair grass
    - tufted spear grass
    - Tunis grass
    - turf forming grasses
    - turkey grass
    - turtle grass
    - tussock grasses
    - twin bent grass
    - twopenny grass
    - upright brome grass
    - uva grass
    - vanilla grass
    - velvet bent grass
    - velvet grass
    - velvety panic grass
    - viper's grass
    - wart grass
    - warty panic grass
    - Washington bent grass
    - water grass
    - water whorl grass
    - wavy hair grass
    - wavy meadow grass
    - weak spear grass
    - weedle grass
    - western fescue grass
    - wheat grass
    - whitlow grass
    - widgeon grass
    - wild false grass
    - wild oat grass
    - wild timothy grass
    - willow grass
    - windmill grass
    - wire grass
    - witch grass
    - witch panic grass
    - wood meadow grass
    - wood reed grass
    - woody grasses
    - woolly beard grass
    - woolly panic grass
    - worm grass
    - wrack grass
    - yellow grass
    - yellow nut grass
    - yellow scorpion grass
    - yellow-eyed grass
    - yellow-foxtail grass
    * * *

    English-russian biological dictionary > grass

  • 5 parrakeet, orange-bellied grass

    3. ENG orange-bellied [orange-breasted] parrot, orang-bellied [orange-breasted] grass parrakeet
    4. DEU Goldbauchsittich m, Orangebauchsittich m, Grünzügeligel-Schönsittich m, Grünzügel-Schönsittich m
    5. FRA perruche f à ventre orangé [à lunettes vertes]

    ПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > parrakeet, orange-bellied grass

  • 6 parrakeet, orange-breasted grass

    3. ENG orange-bellied [orange-breasted] parrot, orang-bellied [orange-breasted] grass parrakeet
    4. DEU Goldbauchsittich m, Orangebauchsittich m, Grünzügeligel-Schönsittich m, Grünzügel-Schönsittich m
    5. FRA perruche f à ventre orangé [à lunettes vertes]

    ПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > parrakeet, orange-breasted grass

  • 7 parrot, orange-bellied

    3. ENG orange-bellied [orange-breasted] parrot, orang-bellied [orange-breasted] grass parrakeet
    4. DEU Goldbauchsittich m, Orangebauchsittich m, Grünzügeligel-Schönsittich m, Grünzügel-Schönsittich m
    5. FRA perruche f à ventre orangé [à lunettes vertes]

    3. ENG red-bellied [red-breasted, orange-bellied, Abyssinian] parrot
    4. DEU Rotbauch-Mohrenkopf m, Rotbauchpapagei m
    5. FRA perroquet m à ventre rouge

    ПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > parrot, orange-bellied

  • 8 parrot, orange-breasted

    3. ENG orange-bellied [orange-breasted] parrot, orang-bellied [orange-breasted] grass parrakeet
    4. DEU Goldbauchsittich m, Orangebauchsittich m, Grünzügeligel-Schönsittich m, Grünzügel-Schönsittich m
    5. FRA perruche f à ventre orangé [à lunettes vertes]

    ПЯТИЯЗЫЧНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ НАЗВАНИЙ ЖИВОТНЫХ — птицы > parrot, orange-breasted

  • 9 perruche à ventre orangé

    3. ENG orange-bellied [orange-breasted] parrot, orang-bellied [orange-breasted] grass parrakeet
    4. DEU Goldbauchsittich m, Orangebauchsittich m, Grünzügeligel-Schönsittich m, Grünzügel-Schönsittich m
    5. FRA perruche f à ventre orangé [à lunettes vertes]


  • 10 зверобой горечавковидный

    2) Medicine: nitweed (Hypericum gentianoides L.)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > зверобой горечавковидный

  • 11 зверобой горечавковидный

    Русско-английский биологический словарь > зверобой горечавковидный

  • 12 सु _su

    सु I. 1 U. (सुवति-ते) To go, move. -II. 1, 2 P. (सवति, सौति) To possess power or supremacy. -III. 5. U. (सुनोति, सुनुते; सुत; the स् of सु is changed to ष् after any preposition ending in इ or उ)
    1 To press out or extract juice.
    -2 To distil.
    -3 To pour out, sprinkle, make a libation.
    -4 To perform a sacrifice especially the Soma (sacrifice).
    -5 To bathe.
    -6 To churn. -Desid. (सुषूषति-ते) -- With उद् to excite, agitate. -प्र to produce, beget.
    सु ind. A particle often used with nouns to form Karmadhāraya and Bahuvrīhī compounds, and with adjectives and adverbs. It has the following senses:--
    1 Well, good, excellent; as in सुगन्धि.
    -2 Beautiful, handsome; as in सुमध्यमा, सुकेशी &c.
    -3 Well, perfectly, thoroughly, properly; सुजीर्णमन्नं सुविचक्षणः सुतः सुशासिता स्त्री नृपतिः सुसेवितः......सुदीर्घकाले$पि न याति विक्रियाम् H.1.22.
    -4 Easily, readily, as in सुकर or सुलभ q. v.
    -5 Much, very much, exceedingly; सुदारुण, सुदीर्घ &c.
    -6 Worthy of respect or reverence.
    -7 It is also said to have the senses of assent, prosperity, and distress.
    -Comp. -अक्ष a.
    1 having good eyes.
    -2 having keen organs, acute.
    -अङ्ग a. well-shaped, handsome, lovely.
    -अच्छ a. see s. v.
    -अन्त a. having happy end, ending well.
    -अल्प, -अल्पक a. see s. v.
    -अस्ति, -अस्तिक see s. v.
    -आकार, -आकृति a. well-formed, handsome, beautiful.
    - आगत see s. v.
    -आदानम् taking justly or properly; स्वादानाद्वर्णसंसर्गात्त्वबलानां च रक्षणात् । बलं संजायते राज्ञः स प्रेत्येह च वर्धते ॥ Ms.8.172.
    -आभास a. very splendid or illustrious; सारतो न विरोधी नः स्वाभासो भरवानुत Ki.15. 22.
    -इष्ट a. properly sacrificed; स्विष्टं यजुर्भिः प्रणतो$स्मि यज्ञम् Bhāg.4.7.41. ˚कृत् m. a form of fire; धर्मादिभ्यो यथान्यायं मन्त्रैः स्विष्टकृतं बुधः Bhāg.11.27.41.
    -उक्त a. well-spoken, well-said; अथवा सूक्तं खलु केनापि Ve.3. (
    -क्ता) a kind of bird (सारिका).
    (-क्तम्) 1 a good or wise saying; नेतुं वाञ्छति यः खलान् पथि सतां सूक्तैः सुधा- स्यन्दिभिः Bh.2.6; R.15.97.
    -2 a Vedic hymn, as in पुरुषसूक्त &c. ˚दर्शिन् m. a hymn-seer, Vedic sage. ˚वाकन्यायः A rule of interpretation according to which some thing that is declared as being subordinate to some- thing else should be understood to signify a part or whole on the basis of expediency or utility. This is discussed by जैमिनि and शबर at MS.3.2.15-18. ˚वाच् f.
    1 a hymn.
    -2 praise, a word of praise.
    -उक्तिः f.
    1 a good or friendly speech.
    -2 a good or clever saying.
    -3 a correct sentence.
    -उत्तर a.
    1 very superior.
    -2 well towards the north.
    -उत्थान a. making good efforts, vigorous, active. (
    -नम्) vigorous effort or exertion.
    -उन्मद, -उन्माद a. quite mad or frantic.
    - उपसदन a. easy to be approached.
    -उपस्कर a. furnished with good instruments.
    -कण्टका the aloe plant.
    -कण्ठ a. sweet- voiced. (
    -ण्ठी) the female cuckoo.
    -कण्डुः itch.
    -कन्दः 1 an onion.
    -2 a yam.
    -3 a sort of grass.
    -कन्दकः onion.
    -कर a. (
    -रा or
    -री f.)
    1 easy to be done, practi- cable, feasible; वक्तुं सुकरं कर्तुं (अध्यवसातुं) दुष्करम् Ve.3 'sooner said than done'.
    -2 easy to be managed. (
    -रः) a good-natured horse. (
    -रा) a tractable cow. (
    -रम्) charity, benevolence.
    -कर्मन् a.
    1 one whose deeds are righteous, virtuous, good.
    -2 active, diligent. (-m.) N. of Visvakarman.
    -कल a. one who has acquired a great reputation for liberality in giving and using (money &c,)
    -कलिल a. well filled with.
    -कल्प a. very qualified or skilled; कालेन यैर्वा विमिताः सुकल्पैर्भूपांसवः खे मिहिका द्युभासः Bhāg.1.14.7.
    -कल्पित a. well equip- ped or armed.
    -कल्य a. perfectly sound.
    -काण्डः the Kāravella plant.
    -काण्डिका the Kāṇḍīra creeper.
    -काण्डिन् a.
    1 having beautiful stems.
    -2 beautifully joined. (-m.) a bee.
    -काष्ठम् fire-wood.
    -कुन्दकः an onion.
    -कुमार a.
    1 very delicate or soft, smooth.
    -2 beautifully young or youthful.
    (-रः) 1 a beautiful youth.
    -2 a kind of sugar-cane.
    -3 a kind of grain (श्यामाक).
    -4 a kind of mustard.
    -5 the wild Cham- paka.
    (-रा) 1 the double jasmine.
    -2 the plantain.
    -3 the great-flowered jasmine.
    -कुमारकः 1 a beauti- ful youth.
    -2 rice (शालि).
    (-कम्) 1 the Tamāla- patra.
    -2 a particutar part of the ear.
    -कुमारी the Navamallikā jasmine.
    -कृत् a.
    1 doing good, benevolent.
    -2 pious, virtuous, righteous.
    -3 wise, learned.
    -4 for- tunate, lucky.
    -5 making good sacrifices or offerings. (-m.)
    1 a skilful worker.
    -2 N. of Tvaṣṭri.
    -कृत a.
    1 done well or properly.
    -2 thoroughly done; कच्चिन्नु सुकृतान्येव कृतरूपाणि वा पुनः । विदुस्ते सर्वकार्याणि Rām.2.1.2.
    -3 well made or constructed.
    -4 treated with kindness, assisted, befriended.
    -5 virtuous, righteous, pious.
    -6 lucky, fortunate.
    (-तम्) 1 any good or virtuous act, kindness, favour, service; नादत्ते कस्यचित् पापं न चैव सुकृतं विभुः Bg.5.15; Me.17.
    -2 virtue, moral or religious merit; स्वर्गाभिसंधिसुकृतं वञ्चनामिव मेनिरे Ku.6.47; तच्चिन्त्यमानं सुकृतं तवेति R.14.16.
    -3 fortune, auspiciousness.
    -4 recompense, reward.
    -5 Penance; तदभूरिवासरकृतं सुकृतैरुप- लभ्य वैभवमनन्यभवम् Ki.6.29.
    -कृतिः f.
    1 well-doing, a good act.
    -2 kindness, virtue.
    -3 practice of penance.
    -4 auspiciousness.
    -कृतिन् a.
    1 acting well or kindly.
    -2 virtuous, pious, good, righteous; सन्तः सन्तु निरापदः सुकृतिनां कीर्तिश्चिरं वर्धताम् H.4.132; चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जनाः सुकृतिनो$र्जुन Bg.7.16.
    -3 wise, learned.
    -4 benevolent.
    -5 fortunate, lucky.
    -कृत्यम् a good action; सुकृत्यं विष्णु- गुप्तस्य मित्राप्तिर्भार्गवस्य च Pt.2.45.
    -केश(स)रः the citron tree.
    -क्रतुः 1 N. of Agni.
    -2 of Śiva.
    -3 of Indra.
    -4 of Mitra and Varuṇa.
    -5 of the sun.
    -6 of Soma.
    -क्रयः a fair bargain.
    -क्षेत्र a. sprung from a good womb.
    -खल्लिका luxurious life.
    - a.
    1 going gracefully or well.
    -2 graceful, elegant.
    -3 easy of access; अकृत्यं मन्यते कृत्यमगम्यं मन्यते सुगम् । अभक्ष्यं मन्यते भक्ष्यं स्त्रीवाक्यप्रेरितो नरः ॥ Pt.2.148.
    -4 intelligible, easy to be understood (opp. दुर्ग). (
    -गः) a Gandharva; गीतैः सुगा वाद्यधराश्च वाद्यकैः Bhāg.1.12.34.
    (-गम्) 1 ordure, feces.
    -2 happiness.
    -गण् m. a good calculator; L. D. B. -a. counting well.
    -गणकः a good calculator or astronomer.
    -गत a.
    1 well-gone or passed.
    -2 well-bestowed. (
    -तः) an epithet of Buddha.
    -गतिः 1 Welfare, hap- piness.
    -2 a secure refuge.
    -गन्धः 1 fragrance, odour, perfume.
    -2 sulphur.
    -3 a trader.
    (-न्धम्) 1 sandal.
    -2 small cumin seed.
    -3 a blue lotus.
    -4 a kind of fragrant grass. (
    -न्धा) sacred basil.
    -गन्धकः 1 sulphur.
    -2 the red Tulasee.
    -3 the orange.
    -4 a kind of gourd,
    -गन्धमूला a land-growing lotus-plant; L. D. B.
    -गन्धारः an epithet of Śiva.
    -गन्धि a.
    1 sweet-smelling, fra- grant, redolent with perfumes.
    -2 virtuous, pious.
    (-न्धिः) 1 perfume, fragrance.
    -2 the Supreme Being.
    -3 a kind of sweet-smelling mango. (
    -न्धि n.)
    1 the root of long pepper.
    -2 a kind of fragrant grass.
    -3 cori- ander seed. ˚त्रिफला
    1 nutmeg.
    -2 areca nut.
    -3 cloves. ˚मूलम् the root Uśīra. ˚मूषिका the musk-rat.
    -गन्धिकः 1 incense.
    -2 sulphur.
    -3 a kind of rice. (
    -कम्) the white lotus.
    -गम a.
    1 easy of access, accessible.
    -2 easy.
    -3 plain, intelligible.
    -गरम् cinnabar.
    -गहना an enclosure round a place of sacrifice to exclude profane access. ˚वृत्तिः f. the same as above.
    -गात्री a beautiful woman.
    -गृद्ध a. intensely longing for.
    -गृह a. (
    -ही f.) having a beautiful house or abode, well-lodged; सुगृही निर्गृहीकृता Pt.1.39.
    -गृहीत a.
    1 held well or firmly, grasped.
    -2 used or applied properly or auspiciously. ˚नामन् a.
    1 one whose name is auspiciously invoked, one whose name it is auspicious to utter (as Bali, Yudhi- ṣṭhira), a term used as a respectful mode of speaking; सुगृहीतनाम्नः भट्टगोपालस्य पौत्रः Māl.1.
    -ग्रासः a dainty mor- sel.
    -ग्रीव a. having a beautiful neck.
    (-वः) 1 a hero.
    -2 a swan.
    -3 a kind of weapon.
    -4 N. of one of the four horses of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -5 of Śiva.
    -6 of Indra.
    -7 N. of a monkey-chief and brother of Vāli. [By the advice of Kabandha, Rāma went to Sugrīva who told him how his brother had treated him and besought his assistance in recovering his wife, promising at the same time that he would assist Rāma in recovering his wife Sīta. Rāma, therfore, killed vāli, and installed Sugrīva on the throne. He then assisted Rāma with his hosts of monkeys in conquering Rāvaṇa, and recovering Sīta.] ˚ईशः N. of Rāma; सुग्रीवेशः कटी पातु Rāma-rakṣā.8.
    -ग्ल a. very weary or fatigued.
    -घोष a. having a pleasant sound. (
    -षः) N. of the conch of Nakula; नकुलः सहदेवश्च सुघोषमणपुष्पकौ Bg.1.16.
    -चक्षुस् a. having good eyes, seeing well. (-m.)
    1 discerning or wise man, learned man.
    -2 The glomerous fig-tree.
    -चरित, -चरित्र a.
    1 well-conducted, well-behaved; वृषभैकादशा गाश्च दद्यात् सुचरितव्रतः Ms.11.116.
    -2 moral, virtuous; तान् विदित्वा सुचरितैर्गूढैस्तत्कर्मकारिभिः Ms.9.261. (
    -तम्, -त्रम्) 1 good conduct, virtuous deeds.
    -2 merit; तव सुचरितमङ्गुलीय नूनं प्रतनु Ś.6.1. (
    -ता, -त्रा) a well-conducted, devoted, and virtuous wife.
    -चर्मन् m. the Bhūrja tree.
    -चित्रकः 1 a king fisher.
    -2 a kind of speckled snake.
    -चित्रा a kind of gourd.
    -चिन्ता, -चिन्तनम् deep thought, deep reflection or consideration.
    -चिरम् ind. for a very long time, very long.
    -चिरायुस् m. a god, deity.
    -चुटी a pair of nippers or tongs.
    -चेतस् a.
    1 well-minded.
    -2 wise.
    -चेतीकृत a. with the heart satiated; well- disposed; ततः सुचेतीकृतपौरभृत्यः Bk.3.2.
    -चेलकः a fine cloth.
    -च्छद a. having beautiful leaves.
    -छत्रः N. of Śiva. (
    -त्रा) the river Sutlej.
    -जन a.
    1 good, virtuous, respectable.
    -2 kind, benevolent.
    (-नः) 1 a good or virtuous man, benevolent man.
    -2 a gentleman.
    -3 N. of Indra's charioteer.
    -जनता 1 goodness, kind- ness, benevolence, virtue; ऐश्वर्यस्य विभूषणं सुजनता Bh.2. 82.
    -2 a number of good men.
    -3 bravery.
    -जन्मन् a.
    1 of noble or respectable birth; या कौमुदी नयनयोर्भवतः सुजन्मा Māl.1.34.
    -2 legitimate, lawfully born.
    -जलम् a lotus.
    -जल्पः 1 a good speech.
    -2 a kind of speech thus described by Ujjvalamaṇi; यत्रार्जवात् सगाम्भीर्यं सदैन्यं सहचापलम् । सोत्कण्ठं च हरिः स्पृष्टः स सुजल्पो निगद्यते ॥
    -जात a.
    1 well-grown, tall.
    -2 well made or produced.
    -3 of high birth.
    -4 beautiful, lovely; सुजातं कल्याणी भवतु कृत- कृत्यः स च युवा Māl.1.16; R.3.8.
    -5 very delicate; खिद्यत् सुजाताङ्घ्रितलामुन्निन्ये प्रेयसीं प्रियः Bhāg.1.3.31.
    -डीनकम् a kind of flight of birds; Mb.8.41.27 (com. पश्चाद् गतिः पराडीनं स्वर्गगं सुडीनकम्).
    -तनु a.
    1 having a beautiful body.
    -2 extremely delicate or slender, very thin.
    -3 emaciated. (
    -नुः, -नूः f.) a lovely lady; एताः सुतनु मुखं ते सख्यः पश्यन्ति हेमकूटगताः V.1.1; Ś.7.24.
    -तन्त्री a.
    1 well-stringed.
    -2 (hence) melodious.
    -तपस् a.
    1 one who practises austere penance; a वानप्रस्थ; स्विष्टिः स्वधीतिः सुतपा लोकाञ्जयति यावतः Mb.12.71.3.
    -2 having great heat. (-m.)
    1 an ascetic, a devotee, hermit, an anchorite.
    -2 the sun. (-n.) an austere penance.
    -तप्त a.
    1 greatly harassed, afflicted.
    -2 very severe (as a penance); तपसैव सुतप्तेन मुच्यन्ते किल्बिषात्ततः Ms.11.239.
    -तमाम् ind. most excellently, best.
    -तराम् ind.
    1 bet- ter, more excellently.
    -2 exceedingly, very, very much, excessively; तया दुहित्रा सुतरां सवित्री स्फुरत्प्रभामण्डलया चकाशे Ku.1.24; सुतरां दयालुः R.2.53;7.21;14.9;18.24.
    -3 more so, much more so; मय्यप्यास्था न ते चेत्त्वयि मम सुतरा- मेष राजन् गतो$ स्मि Bh.3.3.
    -4 consequently.
    -तर्दनः the (Indian) cuckco.
    -तर्मन् a. good for crossing over; सुतर्माणमधिनावं रुहेम Ait. Br.1.13; (cf. also यज्ञो वै सुतर्मा).
    -तलम् 1 'immense depth', N. of one of the seven regi- ons below the earth; see पाताल; (याहि) सुतलं स्वर्गीभिः प्रार्थ्यं ज्ञातिभिः परिवारितः Bhāg.8.22.33.
    -2 the foundation of a large building.
    -तान a. melodious.
    -तार a.
    1 very bright.
    -2 very loud; सुतारैः फूत्कारैः शिव शिव शिवेति प्रतनुमः Bh.3.2.
    -3 having a beautiful pupil (as an eye). (
    -रः) a kind of perfume. (
    -रा) (in Sāṁkhya) one of the nine kinds of acquiescence.
    -तिक्तकः the coral tree.
    -तीक्ष्ण a.
    1 very sharp.
    -2 very pungent.
    -3 acutely painful.
    (-क्ष्णः) 1 the Śigru tree.
    -2 N. of a sage; नाम्ना सुतीक्ष्णश्चरितेन दान्तः R.13.41. ˚दशनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -तीर्थः 1 a good preceptor.
    -2 N. of Śiva. -a. easily crossed or traversed.
    -तुङ्ग a. very lofty or tall.
    (-ङ्गः) 1 the cocoa-nut tree.
    -2 the culminating point of a planet.
    -तुमुल a. very loud.
    -तेजन a. well-pointed, sharpened. (
    -नः) a well-pointed arrow.
    -तेजस् a.
    1 very sharp.
    -2 very bright, or splendid.
    -3 very mighty. (-m.) a worshipper of the sun.
    -दक्षिण a.
    1 very sincere or upright.
    -2 liberal or rich in sacrificial gifts; यज्ञैर्भूरिसुदक्षिणैः सुविहितैः संप्राप्यते यत् फलम् Pt.1. 31.
    -3 very skilful.
    -4 very polite. (
    -णा) N. of the wife of Dilīpa; तस्य दाक्षिण्यरूढेन नाम्ना मगधवंशजा पत्नी सुदक्षिणेत्यासीत् R.1.31;3.1.
    -दण्डः a cane, ratan.
    -दत् a. (
    -ती f.) having handsome teeth; जगाद भूयः सुदतीं सुनन्दा R.6.37.
    -दन्तः 1 a good tooth.
    -2 an actor; a dancer. (
    -न्ती) the female elephant of the north-west quarter.
    -दर्श a. lovely, gracious looking; सुदर्शः स्थूललक्षयश्च न भ्रश्येत सदा श्रियः Mb.12.56.19 (com. सुदर्शः प्रसन्नवक्त्रः).
    -दर्शन a. (
    -ना or
    -नी f.)
    1 good-looking, beautiful, handsome.
    -2 easily seen. (
    -नः) the discus of Viṣṇu; as in कृष्णो$प्यसु- दर्शनः K.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 of mount Meru.
    -4 a vul- ture. (
    -नी, -नम्) N. of Amarāvatī, Indra's capital. (
    -नम्) N. of Jambudvīpa.
    -दर्शना 1 a handsome wo- man.
    -2 a woman.
    -3 an order, a command.
    -4 a kind of drug.
    -दास् a. very bountiful.
    -दान्तः a Buddhist.
    -दामन् a. one who gives liberally. (-m.)
    1 a cloud.
    -2 a moun- tain.
    -3 the sea.
    -4 N. of Indra's elephant.
    -5 N. of a very poor Brāhmaṇa who came to Dvārakā with only a small quantity of parched rice as a present to his friend Kṛiṣṇa, and was raised by him to wealth and glory.
    -दायः 1 a good or auspicious gift.
    -2 a special gift given on particular solemn occasions.
    -3 one who offers such a gift.
    -दिनम् 1 a happy or auspicious day.
    -2 a fine day or weather (opp दुर्दिनम्); so सुदिनाहम् in the same sense.
    -दिह् a. well-polished, bright.
    -दीर्घ a. very long or extended. (
    -र्घा) a kind of cucumber.
    -दुराधर्ष a.
    1 very hard to get.
    -2 quite intolerable.
    -दुरावर्त a. a very hard to be convinced.
    -दुरासद a. unapproachable.
    -दुर्जर a. very difficult to be digested.
    -दुर्मनस् a. very troubled in mind.
    -दुर्मर्ष a. quite in- tolerable.
    -दुर्लभ a. very scarce or rare.
    -दुश्चर a.
    1 inaccessible.
    -2 very painful.
    -दुश्चिकित्स a. very difficult to be cured.
    -दुष्प्रभः a chameleon.
    -दूर a. very distant or remote. (
    -सुदूरम् means
    1 to a great distance.
    -2 to a very high degree, very much; सुदूरं पीडयेत् कामः शरद्गुणनिरन्तरः Rām.4.3.12.
    -सुदूरात् 'from afar, from a distance').
    -दृढ a. very firm or hard, compact.
    -दृश् a. having beautiful eyes. (-f.) a pretty woman.
    -देशिकः a good guide.
    -धन्वन् a. having an excellent bow. (-m.)
    1 a good archer or bowman.
    -2 Ananta, the great serpent.
    -3 N. of Viśvakarman. ˚आचार्यः a mixed caste; वैश्यात्तु जायते व्रात्यात् सुधन्वाचार्य एव च Ms.1.23.
    -धर्मन् a. attentive to duties. (-f.) the council or assembly of gods. (-m.)
    1 the hall or palace of Indra.
    -2 one diligent in properly maintaining his family.
    -धर्मा, -र्मी 1 the council or assembly of gods (देवसभा); ययावुदीरितालोकः सुधर्मानवमां सभाम् R.17.27.
    -2 (सुधर्मा) N. of Dvārakā; दिवि भुव्यन्तरिक्षे च महोत्पातान् समु- त्थितान् । दृष्ट्वासीनान् सुधर्मायां कृष्णः प्राह यदूनिदम् ॥ Bhāg.11.3. 4;1.14.34.
    -धात a. well cleaned.
    -धार a. well-pointed (as an arrow).
    -धित a. Ved.
    1 perfect, secure.
    -2 kind, good.
    -3 happy, prosperous.
    -4 well-aimed or directed (as a weapon).
    -धी a. having a good understanding, wise, clever, intelligent. (
    -धीः) a wise or intelligent man, learned man or pandit. (-f.) a good under- standing, good sense, intelligence. ˚उपास्यः
    1 a particu- lar kind of royal palace.
    -2 N. of an attendant on Kṛiṣṇa. (
    -स्यम्) the club of Balarāma. ˚उपास्या
    1 a woman.
    -2 N. of Umā, or of one of her female com- panions.
    -3 a sort of pigment.
    -ध्रूम्रवर्णा one of the seven tongues of fire.
    -नन्दम् N. of Balarāma's club; प्रतिजग्राह बलवान् सुनन्देनाहनच्च तम् Bhāg.1.67.18.
    -नन्दः a kind of royal palace.
    -नन्दा 1 N. of a woman.
    -2 N. of Pārvatī; L. D. B.
    -3 yellow pigment; L. D. B.
    -नयः 1 good conduct.
    -2 good policy.
    - नयन a. having beau- tiful eyes. (
    -नः) a deer.
    (-ना) 1 a woman having beautiful eyes.
    -2 a woman in general.
    -नाभ a.
    1 having a beautiful navel.
    -2 having a good nave or cen- tre.
    (-भः) 1 a mountain.
    -2 the Maināka mountain, q. v. (
    -भम्) a wheel, discus (सुदर्शन); ये संयुगे$चक्षत तार्क्ष्यपुत्रमंसे सुनाभायुधमापतन्तम् Bhāg.3.2.24.
    -नालम् a red water-lily.
    -निःष्ठित a. quite ready.
    -निर्भृत a. very lonely or private. (
    -तम्) ind. very secretly or closely, very narrowly, privately.
    -निरूढ a. well-purged by an injection; Charaka.
    -निरूहणम् a good purgative.
    -निर्णिक्त a. well polished.
    -निश्चलः an epithet of Śiva.
    -निषण्णः (-कः) the herb Marsilea Quadrifolia (Mar. कुऱडू).
    -निहित a. well-established.
    -नीत a.
    1 well-con- ducted, well-behaved.
    -2 polite, civil.
    (-तनि) 1 good conduct or behaviour.
    -2 good policy or prodence.
    -नीतिः f.
    1 good conduct, good manners, propriety.
    -2 good policy.
    -3 N. of the mother of Dhruva, q. v.
    -नीथ a. well-disposed, well conducted, righteous, vir- tuous, good.
    (-थः) 1 a Brāhmaṇa.
    -2 N. of Śiśupāla, q. v.; तस्मिन्नभ्यर्चिते कृष्णे सुनीथः शत्रुकर्षणः Mb.1.39.11.
    -3 Ved. a good leader.
    -नील a. very black or blue. (
    -लः) the pomegranate tree. (
    -ला) common flax.
    (-लम्), -नीलकः a blue gem.
    -नु n. water.
    -नेत्र a. having good or beautiful eyes.
    -पक्व a.
    1 well-cooked.
    -2 thoroughly matured or ripe. (
    -क्वः) a sort of fra- grant mango.
    -पठ a. legible.
    -पत्नी a woman having a good husband.
    -पत्र a.
    1 having beautiful wings.
    -2 well-feathered (an arrow).
    -पथः 1 a good road.
    -2 a good course.
    -3 good conduct.
    -पथिन् m. (nom. sing. सुपन्थाः) a good road.
    -पद्मा orris root.
    -परीक्षित a. well-examined.
    -पर्ण a. (
    -र्णा or
    -र्णी f.)
    1 well-winged; तं भूतनिलयं देवं सुपर्णमुपधावत Bhāg.8.1.11.
    -2 having good or beautiful leaves.
    (-र्णः) 1 a ray of the sun.
    -2 a class of bird-like beings of a semi-divine charac- ter.
    -3 any supernatural bird.
    -4 an epithet of Garuḍa; ततः सुपर्णव्रजपक्षजन्मा नानागतिर्मण्डलयन् जवेन Ki.16.44.
    -5 a cock.
    -6 the knowing (ज्ञानरूप); देहस्त्वचित्पुरुषो$यं सुपर्णः क्रुध्येत कस्मै नहि कर्ममूलम् Bhāg.11.23.55.
    -7 Any bird; द्वा सुपर्णा सयुजा सखाया समानं वृक्षं परिषस्वजाते Muṇd. 3.1.1. ˚केतुः N. of Viṣṇu; तमकुण्ठमुखाः सुपर्णकेतोरिषवः क्षिप्तमिषुव्रजं परेण Śi.2.23.
    -पर्णकः = सुपर्ण.
    -पर्णा, -पर्णी f.
    1 a number of lotuses.
    -2 a pool abounding in lotuses.
    -3 N. of the mother of Garuḍa.
    -पर्यवदात a. very clean.
    -पर्याप्त a.
    1 very spacious; तस्य मध्ये सुपर्याप्तं कारयेद् गृहमात्मनः Ms.7.76.
    -2 well-fitted.
    -पर्वन् a. well- jointed, having many joints or knots. (-m.)
    1 a bam- boo.
    -2 an arrow.
    -3 a god, deity; विहाय या सर्वसुपर्व- नायकम् N.4.9;14.41,76.
    -4 a special lunar day (as the day of full or new moon, and the 8th and 14th day of each fortnight).
    -5 smoke. (-f.) white Dūrvā grass.
    -पलायित a.
    1 completely fled or run away.
    -2 skilfully retreated.
    -पाक्यम् a kind of medicinal salt (Mar. बिडलोण).
    -पात्रम् 1 a good or suitable vessel, worthy receptacle.
    -2 a fit or competent person, any one well-fitted for an office, an able person.
    -पाद् (
    -पाद् or
    -पदी f.) having good or handsome feet.
    -पार्श्वः 1 the waved-leaf fig-tree (प्लक्ष).
    -2 N. of the son of Sampāti, elder brother of Jaṭāyu.
    -पालि a. distinguished.
    -पीतम् 1 a carrot.
    -2 yellow sandal. (
    -तः) the fifth Muhūrta.
    -पुंसी a woman having a good husband.
    -पुरम् a strong fortress.
    -पुष्प a. (
    -ष्पा or
    -ष्पी f.) having beautiful flowers.
    (-ष्पः) 1 the coral tree.
    -2 the Śirīṣa tree. (
    -ष्पी) the plantain tree.
    (-ष्पम्) 1 cloves.
    -2 the menstrual excretion.
    -पुष्पित a.
    1 well blossomed, being in full flower.
    -2 having the hair thrilling or bristling.
    -पूर a.
    1 easy to be filled; सुपूरा स्यात् कुनदिका सुपूरो मूषिकाञ्जलिः Pt.1.25.
    -2 well-filling. (
    -रः) a kind of citron (बीजपूर).
    -पूरकः the Baka-puṣpa tree.
    -पेशस् a. beautiful, tender; रत्नानां पद्मरागो$स्मि पद्मकोशः सुपेशसाम् Bhāg.11.16.3. ˚कृत् m. a kind of fly; Bhāg.11.7.34.
    -प्रकाश a.
    1 manifest, apparent; ज्येष्ठे मासि नयेत् सीमां सुप्रकाशेषु सेतुषु Ms.8.245.
    -2 public, notorious.
    -प्रतर्कः a sound judgment.
    -प्रतिभा spirituous liquor.
    -प्रतिष्ठ a.
    1 standing well.
    -2 very celebrated, renowned, glorious, famous.
    (-ष्ठा) 1 good position.
    -2 good reputation, fame, celebrity.
    -3 esta- blishment, erection.
    -4 installation, consecration.
    -प्रतिष्ठित a.
    1 well-established.
    -2 consecrated.
    -3 ce- lebrated. (
    -तः) the Udumbara tree.
    -प्रतिष्णात a.
    1 thoroughly purified.
    -2 well-versed in.
    -3 well-investi- gated, clearly ascertained or determined.
    -प्रतीक a.
    1 having a beautiful shape, lovely, handsome; भगवान् भागवतवात्सल्यतया सुप्रतीकः Bhāg.5.3.2.
    -2 having a beau- tiful trunk.
    (-कः) 1 an epithet of Kāmadeva.
    -2 of Śiva.
    -3 of the elephant of the north-east quarter.
    -4 An honest man; स्तेयोपायैर्विरचितकृतिः सुप्रतीको यथास्ते Bhāg.1.8.31.
    -प्रपाणम् a good tank.
    -प्रभ a. very brilliant, glorious. (
    -भा) one of the seven tongues of fire.
    -प्रभातम् 1 an auspicious dawn or day-break; दिष्टथा सुप्रभातमद्य यदयं देवो दृष्टः U.6.
    -2 the earliest dawn.
    -प्रभावः omnipotence.
    -प्रमाण a. large-sized.
    -प्रयुक्तशरः a skilful archer.
    -प्रयोगः 1 good management or ap- plication.
    -2 close contact.
    -3 dexterity.
    -प्रलापः good speech, eloquence.
    -प्रसन्नः N. of Kubera.
    -प्रसाद a. very gracious or propitious. (
    -दः) N. of Śiva.
    -प्रातम् a fine morning.
    -प्रिय a. very much liked, agreeable. (
    -यः) (in prosody) a foot of two short syllables.
    (-या) 1 a charming woman.
    -2 a beloved mistress.
    -प्रौढा a marriageable girl.
    -फल a.
    1 very fruitful, very productive.
    -2 very fertile.
    (-लः) 1 the pomegranate tree.
    -2 the jujube.
    -3 the Karṇikāra tree.
    -4 a kind of bean.
    (-ला) 1 a pumpkin, gourd.
    -2 the plan- tain tree.
    -3 a variety of brown grape.
    -4 colocynth.
    -फेनः a cuttle-fish bone.
    -बन्धः sesamum.
    -बभ्रु a. dark-brown.
    -बल a. very powerful.
    (-लः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 N. of the father of Śakuni.
    -बान्धवः N. of Śiva.
    -बाल a. very childish.
    -बाहु a.
    1 handsome- armed.
    -2 strong-armed. (
    -हुः) N. of a demon, brother of Mārīcha, who had become a demon by the curse of Agastya. He with Mārīcha began to disturb the sacrifice of Viśvāmitra, but was defeated by Rāma. and Lakṣmaṇa; यः सुबाहुरिति राक्षसो$परस्तत्र तत्र विससर्प मायया R.11.29.
    -बीजम् good seed; सुबीजं चैव सुक्षेत्रे जातं संपद्यते तथा Ms.1.69.
    (-जः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 the poppy.
    -बोध a.
    1 easily apprehended or understood. (
    -धः) good information or advice.
    -ब्रह्मण्यः 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya.
    -2 N. of one of the sixteen priests employed at a sacrifice.
    -भग a.
    1 very fortu- nate or prosperous, happy, blessed, highly favoured.
    -2 lovely, charming, beautiful, pretty; न तु ग्रीष्मस्यैवं सुभगमपराद्धं युवतिषु Ś.3.9; Ku.4.34; R.11.8; Māl.9.
    -3 pleasant, grateful, agreeable, sweet; दिवसाः सुभगा- दित्याश्छायासलिलदुर्भगाः Rām.3.16.1; श्रवणसुभग M.3.4; Ś.1.3.
    -4 beloved, liked, amiable, dear; सुमुखि सुभगः पश्यन् स त्वामुपैतु कृतार्थताम् Gīt.5.
    -5 illustrious.
    (-गः) 1 borax.
    -2 the Aśoka tree.
    -3 the Champaka tree.
    -4 red amarnath. (
    -गम्) good fortune. ˚मानिन्, सुभगं- मन्य a.
    1 considering oneself fortunate, amiable, pleasing; वाचालं मां न खलु सुभगंमन्यभावः करोति Me.96.
    -2 vain, flattering oneself.
    -भगा 1 a woman beloved by her hus- band, a favourite wife.
    -2 an honoured mother.
    -3 a kind of wild jasmine.
    -4 turmeric.
    -5 the Priyaṅgu creeper.
    -6 the holy basil.
    -7 a woman having her husband alive (सौभाग्यवती); जयशब्दैर्द्विजाग्र्याणां सुभगानर्तितै- स्तथा Mb.7.7.9.
    -8 a five-year old girl representing Durgā at festivals.
    -9 musk. ˚सुत the son of a favou- rite wife.
    -भङ्गः the cocoa-nut tree.
    -भटः a great war- rior, champion, soldier.
    -भट्टः a learned man.
    -भद्र a. very happy or fortunate. (
    -द्रः) N. of Viṣṇu; साकं साकम्पमंसे वसति विदधती बासुभद्रं सुभद्रम् Viṣṇupāda S.31. (
    -द्रा) N. of the sister of Balarāma and Kṛiṣṇa, married to Arjuna q. v. She bore to him a son named Abhimanyu.
    -भद्रकः 1 a car for carrying the image of a god.
    -2 the Bilva tree.
    -भाषित a.
    1 spoken well or eloquent.
    (-तम्) 1 fine speech, eloquence, learning; जीर्णमङ्गे सुभाषितम् Bh.3.2.
    -2ल a witty saying, an apophthegm, an apposite saying; सुभाषितेन गीतेन युवतीनां च लीलया । मनो न भिद्यते यस्य स वै मुक्तो$थवा पशुः Subhāṣ.
    -3 a good remark; बालादपि सुभाषितम् (ग्राह्यम्).
    -भिक्षम् 1 good alms, successful begging.
    -2 abundance of food, an abundant supply of provisions, plenty of corn &c.
    -भीरकः the Palāśa tree.
    -भीरुकम् silver.
    -भूतिः 1 well-being, wel- fare.
    -2 the Tittira bird; Gīrvāṇa.
    -भूतिकः the Bilva tree.
    -भूषणम् a type of pavilion where a ceremony is performed on a wife's perceiving the first signs of con- ception; सुभूषणाख्यं विप्राणां योग्यं पुंसवनार्थकम् Māna.34.354.
    -भृत a.
    1 well-paid.
    -2 heavily laden.
    -भ्रू a. having beautiful eyebrows. (
    -भ्रूः f.) a lovely woman. (N. B. The vocative singular of this word is strictly सुभ्रूः; but सुभ्रु is used by writers like Bhaṭṭi. Kālidāsa, and Bhavabhūti; हा पितः क्वासि हे सुभ्रु Bk.6.17; so V.3.22; Ku.5.43; Māl.3.8.)
    -मङ्गल a.
    1 very auspicious.
    -2 abounding in sacrifices.
    -मति a. very wise. (
    -तिः f.)
    1 a good mind or disposition, kindness, benevolence, friendship.
    -2 a favour of the gods.
    -3 a gift, blessing.
    -4 a prayer, hymn.
    -5 a wish or desire.
    -6 N. of the wife of Sagara and mother of 6, sons.
    -मदनः the mango tree.
    -मदात्मजा a celestial damsel.
    -मधुरम् a very sweet or gentle speech, agreeable words.
    -मध्य, -मध्यम a. slender-waisted.
    -मध्या, -मध्यमा a graceful woman.
    -मन a. very charming, lovely, beautiful.
    (-नः) 1 wheat.
    -2 the thorn-apple. (
    -ना) the great-flowered jasmine.
    -मनस् a.
    1 good-minded, of a good disposition, benevolent; शान्तसंकल्पः सुमना यथा स्याद्वीतमन्युर्गौतमो माभिमृत्यो Kaṭh.1.1.
    -2 well-pleased, satisfied; (hence
    -सुमनीभू = to be at ease; जिते नृपारौ समनीभवन्ति शद्बायमानान्यशनैरशङ्कम् Bk.2.54.). (-m.)
    1 a god, divinity.
    -2 a learned man.
    -3 a student of the Vedas.
    -4 wheat.
    -5 the Nimba tree. (-f., n.; said to be pl. only by some) a flower; मुमुचुर्मुनयो देवाः सुमनांसि मुदान्विताः Bhāg.1.3.7; रमणीय एष वः सुमनसां संनिवेशः Māl.1. (where the adjectival; sense in 1 is also intended); किं सेव्यते सुमनसां मनसापि गन्धः कस्तू- रिकाजननशक्तिभृता मृगेण R.G; Śi.6.66. ˚वर्णकम् flowers, unguent or perfume etc. for the body; सा तदाप्रभृति सुमनो- वर्णकं नेच्छति Avimārakam 2. (-f.)
    1 the great-flowered jasmine.
    -2 the Mālatī creeper. ˚फलः the woodapple. ˚फलम् nutmeg.
    -मनस्क a. cheerful, happy.
    -मन्तु a.
    1 advising well.
    -2 very faulty or blameable. (-m.) a good adviser.
    -मन्त्रः N. of the charioteer of Daśāratha.
    -मन्दभाज् a. very unfortunate.
    -मर्दित a. much harassed.
    -मर्षण a. easy to be borne.
    -मित्रा 1 N. of one of the wives of Daśāratha and mother of Lakṣmaṇa and Śatrughna.
    -मुख a. (
    -खा or
    -खी f.)
    1 having a beautiful face, lovely.
    -2 pleasing.
    -3 disposed to, eager for; सुरसद्मयानसुमुखी जनता Ki.6.42.
    -4 favour- able, kind.
    -5 well-pointed (as an arrow).
    -6 (सुमुखा) having a good entrance.
    (-खः) 1 a learned man.
    -2 an epithet of Garuḍa.
    -3 of Gaṇeśa; सुमुखश्चैकदन्तश्च कपिलो गजकर्णकः Maṅgal. S.1.
    -4 of Śiva.
    (-खम्) 1 the scratch of a finger-nail.
    -2 a kind of building.
    (-खा, -खी) 1 a handsome woman.
    -2 a mirror.
    -मूलकम् a carrot.
    -मृत a. stone-dead.
    -मेखलः the Muñja grass.
    -मेधस a. having a good understanding, wise, intelligent; इमे अङ्गिरसः सत्रमासते$द्य सुमेधसः Bhāg.9.4.3. (-m.) a wise man. (-f.) heart-pea.
    -मेरुः 1 the sac- red mountain Meru, q. v.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -यन्त्रित a.
    1 well-governed.
    -2 self-controlled.
    -यमाः a parti- cular class of gods; जातो रुचेरजनयत् सुयमान् सुयज्ञ आकूति- सूनुरमरानथ दक्षिणायाम् Bhāg.2.7.2.
    -यवसम् beautiful grass, good pasturage.
    -यामुनः 1 a palace.
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -युक्तः N. of Śiva.
    -योगः 1 a favourable junc- ture.
    -2 good opportunity.
    -योधनः an epithet of Duryodhana q. v.
    -रक्त a.
    1 well coloured.
    -2 im- passioned.
    -3 very lovely.
    -4 sweet-voiced; सुरक्तगोपी- जनगीतनिःस्वने Ki.4.33.
    -रक्तकः 1 a kind of red chalk.
    -2 a kind of mango tree.
    -रङ्गः 1 good colour.
    -2 the orange.
    -3 a hole cut in a house (सुरङ्गा also in this sense).
    (-ङ्गम्) 1 red sanders.
    -2 vermilion. ˚धातुः red chalk. ˚युज् m. a house-breaker.
    -रङ्गिका the Mūrvā plant.
    -रजःफलः the jack-fruit tree.
    -रञ्जनः the betel nut tree.
    -रत a.
    1 much sported.
    -2 playful.
    -3 much enjoyed.
    -4 compassionate, tender.
    (-तम्) 1 great delight or enjoyment.
    -2 copulation, sexual union or intercourse, coition; सुरतमृदिता बालवनिता Bh.2. 44. ˚गुरुः the husband; पर्यच्छे सरसि हृतें$शुके पयोभिर्लोलाक्षे सुरतगुरावपत्रपिष्णोः Śi.8.46. ˚ताण्डवम् vigorous sexual movements; अद्यापि तां सुरतताण्डवसूत्रधारीं (स्मरामि) Bil. Ch. Uttara.28. ˚ताली
    1 a female messenger, a go-between.
    -2 a chaplet, garland for the head. ˚प्रसंगः addiction to amorous pleasures; कालक्रमेणाथ योः प्रवृत्ते स्वरूपयोग्ये सुरत- प्रसंगे Ku.1.19.
    -रतिः f. great enjoyment or satis- faction.
    -रस a. well-flavoured, juicy, savoury.
    -2 sweet.
    -3 elegant (as a composition). (
    -सः, -सा) the plant सिन्धुवार. (
    -सा) N. of Durgā. (
    -सा, -सम्) the sacred basil.
    (-सम्) 1 gum-myrrh.
    -2 fragrant grass.
    -राजन् a. governed by a good king; सुराज्ञि देशे राजन्वान् Ak. (-m.)
    1 a good king.
    -2 a divinity.
    -राजिका a small house-lizard.
    -राष्ट्रम् N. of a country on the western side of India (Surat). ˚जम् a kind of poison.
    -2 a sort of black bean (Mar. तूर). ˚ब्रह्मः a Brāhmaṇa of Surāṣṭra.
    -रूप a.
    1 well-formed, handsome, love- ly; सुरूपा कन्या.
    -2 wise, learned. (
    -पः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -रूहकः a horse resembling an ass.
    -रेतस् n. mental power (चिच्छक्ति); सुरेतसादः पुनराविश्य चष्टे Bhāg. 5.7.14.
    -रेभ a. fine-voiced; स्यन्दना नो चतुरगाः सुपेभा वाविपत्तयः । स्यन्दना नो च तुरगाः सुरेभा वा विपत्तयः ॥ Ki.15.16. (
    -भम्) tin.
    -लक्षण a.
    1 having auspicious or beautiful marks.
    -2 fortunate.
    (-णम्) 1 observing, examining carefully, determining, ascertaining.
    -2 a good or auspicious mark.
    -लक्षित a. well determined or ascertained; तुलामानं प्रतीमानं सर्वं च स्यात् सुलक्षितम् Ms.8.43.
    -लग्नः, -ग्नम् an auspicious moment.
    -लभ a.
    1 easy to be obtained, easy of attainment, attainable, feasible; न सुलभा सकलेन्दुमुखी च सा V.2.9; इदमसुलभवस्तुप्रार्थनादुर्नि- वारम् 2.6.
    -2 ready for, adapted to, fit, suitable; निष्ठ्यूतश्चरणोपभोगसुलभो लाक्षारसः केनचित् Ś.4.4.
    -3 natural to, proper for; मानुषतासुलभो लघिमा K. ˚कोप a. easily provoked, irascible.
    -लिखित a. well registered.
    -लुलित a.
    1 moving playfully.
    -2 greatly hurt, injured.
    -लोचन a. fine-eyed. (
    -नः) a deer.
    (-ना) 1 a beauti- ful woman.
    -2 N. of the wife of Indrajit.
    -लोहकम् brass.
    -लोहित a. very red. (
    -ता) one of the seven tongues of fire.
    -वक्त्रम् 1 a good face or mouth.
    -2 correct utterance. (
    -क्त्रः) N. of Śiva.
    -वचनम्, -वचस् n. eloquence. -a. eloquent.
    -वयस् f. a hermaphrodite.
    -वर्चकः, -वर्चिकः, -का, -वर्चिन् m. natron, alkali.
    -वर्चला 1 N. of the wife of the sun; तं चाहमनुवर्तिष्ये यथा सूर्यं सुवर्चला Rām.2.3.3.
    -2 linseed.
    -वर्चसः N. of Śiva.
    -वर्चस्क a. splendid, brilliant.
    -वर्ण see s. v.
    -वर्तित 1 well rounded.
    -2 well arranged.
    -वर्तुलः a water-melon.
    -वसन्तः 1 an agreeable vernal season.
    -2 the day of full moon in the month of Chaitra, or a festival celebrated in honour of Kāmadeva in that month (also सुवसन्तकः in this sense).
    -वह a.
    1 bearing well, patient.
    -2 patient, enduring.
    -3 easy to be borne-
    (-हा) 1 a lute.
    -2 N. of several plants like रास्ना, निर्गुण्डी &c.; Mātaṅga L.1.1.
    -वासः 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 a pleasant dwelling.
    -3 an agreeable perfume or odo- ur.
    -वासकः a water-melon.
    -वासरा cress.
    -वासिनी 1 a woman married or single who resides in her father's house.
    -2 a married woman whose husband is alive.
    -विक्रान्त a. very valiant or bold, chivalrous; सुविक्रान्तस्य नृपतेः सर्वमेव महीतलम् Śiva. B.16.45. (
    -न्तः) a hero. (
    -न्तम्) heroism.
    -विग्रह a. having a beautiful figure.
    -विचक्षण a. very clever, wise.
    -विद् m. a learned man, shrewd person. (-f.) a shrewd or clever woman.
    -विदः 1 an attendant on the women's apartments.
    -2 a king.
    -विदग्ध a. very cunning, astute.
    -विदत् m. a king
    -विदत्रम् 1 a household, family.
    -2 wealth.
    -3 grace, favour.
    -विदल्लः an attendant on the women's apart- ments (wrongly for सौविदल्ल q. v.). (
    -ल्लम्) the wo- men's apartments, harem.
    -विदल्ला a married woman.
    -विध a. of a good kind.
    -विधम् ind. easily.
    -विधिः a good rule, ordinance.
    -विनीत a.
    1 well trained, modest.
    -2 well executed. (
    -ता) a tractable cow.
    -विनेय a. easy to be trained or educated.
    -विभक्त a. well pro- portioned, symmetrical.
    -विरूढ a.
    1 fully grown up or developed.
    -2 well ridden.
    -विविक्त a.
    1 solitary (as a wood).
    -2 well decided (as a question).
    -विहित a.
    1 well-placed, well-deposited.
    -2 well-furnished, well- supplied, well-provided, well-arranged; सुविहितप्रयोगतया आर्यस्य न किमपि परिहास्यते Ś.1; कलहंसमकरन्दप्रेवशावसरे तत् सुविहितम् Māl.1.
    -3 well done or performed.
    -4 well satisfied (by hospitality); अन्नपानैः सुविहितास्तस्मिन् यज्ञे महात्मनः Rām.1.14.16.
    -वी(बी)ज a. having good seed.
    (-जः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 the poppy. (
    -जम्) good seed.
    -वीरकम् 1 a kind of collyrium.
    -2 sour gruel (काञ्जिक); सुवीरकं याच्यमाना मद्रिका कर्षति स्फिचौ Mb.8.4.38.
    -वीराम्लम् sour rice-gruel.
    -वीर्य a.
    1 having great vigour.
    -2 of heroic strength, heroic, chivalrous.
    (-र्यम्) 1 great heroism
    -2 abundance of heroes.
    -3 the fruit of the jujube. (
    -र्या) wild cotton.
    -वृक्तिः f.
    1 a pure offering.
    -2 a hymn of praise.
    -वृत्त a.
    1 well-behaved, virtuous, good; मयि तस्य सुवृत्त वर्तते लघुसंदेशपदा सरस्वती R. 8.77.
    -2 well-rounded, beautifully globular or round; मृदुनातिसुवृत्तेन सुमृष्टेनातिहारिणा । मोदकेनापि किं तेन निष्पत्तिर्यस्य सेवया ॥ or सुमुखो$पि सुवृत्तो$पि सन्मार्गपतितो$पि च । महतां पादलग्नो$पि व्यथयत्येव कष्टकः ॥ (where all the adjectives are used in a double sense). (
    -त्तम्) a good or virtuous conduct; भर्तुश्चिन्तानुवर्तित्वं सुवृत्तं चानुजीविनाम् Pt.1.69. (
    -त्ता) a sort of grape.
    -वेल a.
    1 tranquil, still.
    -2 humble, quiet. (
    -लः) N. of the Trikūṭa mountain.
    -व्रत a. strict in the observance of religious vows, strictly virtuous or religious. (
    -तः) a religious student.
    (-ता) 1 a virtuous wife.
    -2 a tractable cow, one easily milked.
    -शंस a. well spoken of, famous, glorious, commendable.
    -शक a. capable of being easily done.
    -शर्मन् (m., f.) a person desiring intercourse (Uṇ.4. 165].
    -शल्यः the Khadira tree.
    -शाकम् undried ginger.
    -शारदः N. of Śiva.
    -शासित a. kept under control, well-controlled.
    -शिक्षित a. well-taught, trained, well- disciplined.
    -शिखः fire.
    (-खा) 1 a peacock's crest.
    -2 a cock's comb.
    -शीतम् yellow sandal-wood.
    -शीम a. cold, frigid. (
    -मः) coldness
    -शील a. good-tempered, amiable.
    (-ला) 1 N. of the wife of Yama.
    -2 N. of one of the eight favourite wives of Kriṣṇa.
    -शेव a. full of happiness; pleasant to be resorted; एष पन्था उरुगायः मुशेवः Ait. Br.7.13.11.
    -शोण a. dark-red.
    -श्रीका the gum olibanum tree.
    -श्रुत a.
    1 well heard.
    -2 versed in the Vedas.
    -3 gladly heard (also an ex- clamation at a श्राद्ध); पित्रे स्वदितमित्येव वाच्यं गोष्ठे तु सुश्रुतम् Ms.3.254. (
    -तः) N. of the author of a system of medicine, whose work, together with that of Charaka, is regardad as the oldest medical authority, and held in great esteem in India even to this day.
    -श्लिष्ट a.
    1 well-arranged or united.
    -2 well-fitted; Māl.1.
    -श्लेषः close union or embrace.
    -श्लोक्य a. very famous; तेजीयसामपि ह्येतन्न सुश्लोक्यं जगद्गुरो Bhāg.3.12.31.
    -संवीत a.
    1 well-girt; स ददर्श ततः श्रीमान् सुग्रीवं हेमपिङ्गलम् । सुसंवीतम्... Rām.4.16.15.
    -2 well dressed.
    -संवृतिः good concealment. a. well-concealed; परितप्तो$प्यपरः सुसंवृतिः Śi.16.23.
    -संस्कृत a.
    1 well cooked or prepared.
    -2 kept in good order; सुसंस्कृतोपस्करया व्यये चामुक्तहस्तया Ms.5.15.
    -संगृहीत a.
    1 well controlled or governed; सुसंगृहीतराष्ट्रो हि पार्थिवः सुखमेधते Ms.7.113.
    -2 well received.
    -3 well kept.
    -4 well abridged.
    -संध a. true to a promise.
    -संनत a. well-directed (as an arrow).
    -सत्या N. of the wife of Janaka.
    -सदृश् a. agreeable to look at.
    -समाहित a.
    1 well arranged, beautifully adorned; very beautiful; ऋतुकालं प्रतीक्षन्ते नार्थिनः सुसमाहिते । संगमं त्वहमिच्छामि त्वया सह सुमध्यमे ॥ Rām.1.48.18.
    -2 completely loaded; तद्यथानः सुसमा- हितमुत्सर्जद्यायात् Bṛi. Up.4.3.35.
    -3 Very intent, attentive.
    -समीहित a. much desired.
    - सरण N. of Śiva.
    -सह a.
    1 easy to be borne.
    -2 bearing or enduring well. (
    -हः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -सहाय a. having a good companion; प्रणेतुं शक्यते दण्डः सुसहायेन धीमता Ms.7.31.
    -साधित a. well trained or educated.
    -सार a. having good sap or essence.
    (-रः) 1 good sap, essence, or substance.
    -2 competence.
    -3 the red-flowering Kha- dira tree.
    -सारवत् n. crystal.
    -सिकता 1 good sand.
    -2 gravel.
    -3 sugar.
    -सुरप्रिया jasmine.
    -सेव्य a. to be well or easily followed (as a road).
    -सौभगम् con- jugal felicity.
    -स्थ a.
    1 well-suited, being in a good sense.
    -2 in health, healthy, faring well.
    -3 in good or prosperous circumstances, prosperous.
    -4 happy, fortunate. (
    -स्थम्) a happy state, well-being; प्रह्लाद सुस्थरूपोसि पश्यन् व्यसनमात्मनः Mb.12.222.12; सुस्थे को वा न पण्डितः H.3.114.
    -स्थित a. in the same sense as सुस्थ. (
    -तम्) a house with a gallery on all sides.
    -स्थितिः (also सुस्थता) f.
    1 good condition, well-being, welfare, happiness.
    -2 health, convalescence.
    -स्थिर a.
    1 stable.
    -2 resolute, cool.
    -स्नातः 1 one who bathes at the end of a sacrifice; L. D. B.
    -2 well purified by bathing.
    -स्मित a. pleasantly smiling. (
    -ता) a woman with a pleased or smiling countenance.
    -स्वपनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -स्वर a.
    1 melodious, harmonious.
    -2 loud. ˚यन्त्रकम् a kind of musical instrument; युता सुस्वरयन्त्रकैः Śukra.1.247.
    -हित a.
    1 very fit or suitable, appro- priate.
    -2 beneficial, salutary.
    -3 friendly, affection- ate.
    -4 satisfied; सहस्रनेत्रः सुहितत्वमाप न Rām. ch.2.64. (
    -ता) one of the seven tongues of fire.
    -हृद् a. having a kind heart, cordial, friendly, loving, affectionate; सुहृदः सुहृदो$न्यांश्च दुर्हृदश्चापि दुर्हृदः । सम्यक्प्रवृत्तान् पुरुषान्नसम्यगनुपश्यतः ॥ Mb.3.28.36. (-m.)
    1 a friend; सुहृदः पश्य वसन्त किं स्थितम् Ku.4.27; मन्दायन्ते न खलु सुहृदामभ्युपेतार्थकृत्याः Me.4.
    -2 an ally. ˚भेदः
    1 the separation of friends.
    -2 N. of the 2nd book of the हितोपदेश; मित्रलाभः सुहृद्भेदो विग्रहः संधिरेव च । पञ्चतन्त्रात्तथान्यस्माद् ग्रन्थादाकृष्य लिख्यते ॥ H. Pr.9. ˚वाक्यम् the counsel of a friend.
    -हृदः a friend.
    -हृदय a.
    1 good-hearted.
    -2 dear, affectionate, loving.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > सु _su

  • 13 गो _gō

    गो m. f. (Nom. गौः) [गच्छत्यनेन, गम् करणे डो Tv.]
    1 Cattle, kine (pl.)
    -2 Anything coming from a cow; such as milk, flesh, leather &c.
    -3 The stars; वि रश्मिभिः ससृजे सूर्यो गाः Rv.7.36.1.
    -4 The sky.
    -5 The thunder- bolt of Indra; Ki.8.1.
    -6 A ray of light; नान्यस्तप्ता विद्यते गोषु देव Mb.1.232.11; बालो$यं गिरिशिखरेषु चारयन् गाः त्रैलोक्यं तिमिरभरेण दुष्टमेतत् (रविः नैर्मल्यं नयति) । Rām. Ch. 7.6.
    -7 A diamond.
    -8 Heaven.
    -9 An arrow. -f.
    1 A cow; जुगोप गोरूपधरामिवोर्वीम् R.2.3; क्षीरिण्यः सन्तु गावः Mk.1.6.
    -2 The earth; दुदोह गां स यज्ञाय R.1.26; गामात्तसारां रघुरप्यवेक्ष्य 5.26;11.36; Bg.15.13; सेको$- नुगृह्णातु गाम् Mu.3.2; Me.3; cf. also the quotation for (
    -3 Speech, words; कुलानि समुपेतानि गोभिः पुरुषतो$- र्थतः Mb.5.28; रघोरुदारामपि गां निशम्य R.5.12;2.59; Ki.4.2.
    -4 The goddess of speech, Sarasvatī.
    -5 A mother.
    -6 A quarter of the compass.
    -7 Water; सायं भेजे दिशं पश्चाद्गविष्ठो गां गतस्तदा Bhāg.1.1.36; also pl.; Bhāg.11.7.5.
    -8 The eye; गोकर्णा सुमुखी कृतेन इषुणा गोपुत्रसंप्रेषिता Mb.8.9.42.
    -9 A region of the sky. -m. A bull, an ox; असंजातकिणस्कन्धः सुखं स्वपिति गौर्गडिः K. P.1; Ms.4.72; cf. चरद्गव.
    -2 The hair of the body.
    -3 An organ of sense; अदान्तगोभिर्विशतां तमिस्रं पुनः पुनश्चर्वितचर्वणानाम् Bhāg..7.5.3.
    -4 The sign Taurus of the zodiac; Bṛi. S.49.
    -5 The sun.
    -6 The number 'nine' (in math.).
    -7 The moon.
    -8 A singer.
    -9 A billion.
    -1 A cow-sacrifice
    -11 A house; cf. गौर्वज्रं गौः प्रभा भूमिर्वाणी तोयं त्रिविष्टपम् । धेनुर्बस्तो वृषो दिग्गौर्नेत्रं लज्जा गुरू रमा ॥ इन्द्रियं श्रीरुमा... Enm.
    -Comp. -कण्टकः, -कम् 1 a road or spot trodden down by oxen and thus made im- passable.
    -2 the cow's hoof.
    -3 the print of a cow's hoof.
    -कर्ण a. having cow's ears.
    (-र्णः) 1 a cow's ear; गोकर्णसदृशौ कृत्वा करावाबद्धसारणौ Ks.6.57.
    -2 a mule.
    -3 a snake; Mb.8.9.42.
    -4 a span (from the tip of the thumb to that of the ring-finger); गोकर्णशिथिल- श्चरन् Mb.2.68.75; तालः स्मृतो मध्यमया गोकर्णश्चाप्यनामया Brahmāṇḍa P.
    -5 N. of a place of pilgrimage in the south, sacred to Śiva. श्रितगोकर्णनिकेतमीश्वरम् R.8.33.
    -6 a kind of deer.
    -7 a kind of arrow; Mb.8.9.42.
    -किराटा -किराटिका the Sārikā bird.
    -किलः, -कीलः 1 a plough
    -2 a pestle.
    -कुलम् 1 a herd of kine; वृष्टिव्याकुलगोकुलावनरसादुद्धृत्य गोवर्धनम् Gīt.4; गोकुलस्य तृषा- र्तस्य Mb.
    -2 a cow-house.
    -3 N. of a village (where Kṛiṣṇa was brought up).
    -कुलिक a.
    1 one who does not help a cow in the mud.
    -2 squint-eyed.
    -कुलोद्भवा an epithet of Durgā.
    -कृतम् cow-dung.
    -क्षीरम् cow's milk.
    -क्षुरम्, -रकम् a cow's hoof.
    -खरः a beast (पशु); यत्तीर्थबुद्धिः सलिले न कर्हिचिज्जनेष्वभिज्ञेषु स एव गोखरः Bhāg.1.84.13.
    -खा a nail.
    -गृष्टिः a young cow which has had only one calf.
    -गोयुगम् a pair of oxen.
    -गोष्ठम् a cow-pen, cattle-shed.
    -ग्रन्थिः 1 dried cowdung.
    -2 a cow-house.
    -ग्रहः capture of cattle (गवालम्भ); Mb.12.265.2.
    -ग्रासः the ceremony of offering a morsel (of grass) to a cow when performing an expiatory rite.
    -घातः, -घातकः, -घातिन् m. a cow-killer.
    -घृतम् 1 rain-water.
    -2 clarified butter coming from a cow.
    -घ्न a.
    1 destructive to cows.
    -2 one who has killed a cow.
    -3 one for whom a cow is killed, a guest.
    -चन्दनम् a kind of sandal-wood.
    -चर a.
    1 grazed over by cattle.
    -2 frequenting, dwelling, resorting to, haunting पितृसद्मगोचरः Ku.5.77.
    -3 within the scope, power, or range of; अवाङ्मनसगोचरम् R.1.15; so बुद्धि˚, दृष्टि˚, श्रवण˚ स्वगोचरे दीप्ततरा बभूव Bu. Ch.1.13.
    -4 moving on earth.
    -5 accessible to, attainable; त्याग- सूक्ष्मानुगः क्षेम्यः शौचगो ध्यागोचरः Mb.12.236.12.
    -6 circulating, having a particular meaning, prevalent.
    (-रः) 1 the range of cattle, pasturage; उपारताः पश्चिम- रात्रिगोचरात् Ki.4.1.
    -2 (a) a district, department, province, sphere. (b) an abode, dwelling-place, a place of resort; Śi.1.21; Ms.1.39.
    -3 range of the organs of sense, an object of sense; श्रवणगोचरे तिष्ठ be within ear-shot; नयनगोचरं या to become visible.
    -4 scope, range, in general; हर्तुर्याति न गोचरम् Bh.2.16.
    -5 (fig.) grip, hold, power, influence, control; कः कालस्य न गोचरा- न्तरगतः Pt.1.146; गोचरीभूतमक्ष्णोः U.6.26; Māl.5.24; अपि नाम मनागवतीर्णो$सि रतिरमणबाणगोचरम् Māl.1.
    -6 horizon.
    -7 field for action, scope; इन्द्रियाणि हयानाहुर्विषयांस्तेषु गोचरान् Kaṭh.3.4.
    -8 the range of the planets from the Lagna or from each other.
    ˚पीडा in- auspicious position of stars within the ecliptic; गोचर- पीडायामपि राशिर्बलिभिः शुभग्रहैर्दृष्टः (पीडां न करोति) Bṛi.S.41.13. (गोचरीकृ to place within the range (of sight), make current).
    -चर्मन् n.
    1 a cow's hide.
    -2 a particular measure of surface thus defined by Vasiṣṭha:-- दशहस्तेन वंशेन दशवंशान् समन्ततः । पञ्च चाभ्यधिकान् दद्यादेतद्गोचर्म चोच्यते ॥ ˚वसनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -चर्या seeking food like a cow; गोचर्यां नैगमश्चरेत् Bhāg.11.18.29.
    -चारकः cowherd.
    -चरणम् the tending or feeding of cows; Bhāg.1.38.8.
    - a.
    1 born in the earth (rice &c.).
    -2 produced by milk; अब्जा गोजा...... Kaṭh.5.2.
    -जरः an old ox or bull; नाद्रियन्ते यथापूर्वं कीनाशा इव गोजरम् Bhāg.3.3.13.
    -जलम् the urine of a bull or cow.
    -जागरिकम् auspi- ciousness, happiness. (
    -कः) a preparer of food, baker.
    -जात a. born in the heaven (gods); गोजाता अप्या मृळता च देवाः Rv.6.5.11.
    -जिह्वा N. of a plant (Mar. पाथरी).
    -जिह्विका the uvula.
    -जीव a. living on cattle (milk- man); Hch.1.7.
    -तल्लजः an excellent bull or cow.
    -तीर्थम् a cowhouse.
    -त्रम् [गां भूमिं त्रायते त्रै-क]
    1 a cow-pen.
    -2 a stable in general.
    -3 a family, race, lineage; गोत्रेण माठरो$स्मि Sk.; so कौशिकगोत्राः, वसिष्ठगोत्राः &c.; Ms.3.19,9.141.
    -4 a name, appellation; जगाद गोत्र- स्खलिते च का न तम् N.1.3; Ś.6.5; see ˚स्खलित below; मद्गोत्राङ्कं विरचितपदं गेयमुद्गातुकामा Me.88.
    -5 a multitude.
    -6 increase.
    -7 a forest.
    -8 a field.
    -9 a road.
    -1 possessions, wealth.
    -11 an umbrella, a parasol.
    -12 knowledge of futurity.
    -13 a genus, class, species.
    -14 a caste, tribe, caste according to families. (
    -त्रः) a mountain; 'गोत्रं नाम्नि कुले$प्यद्रौ' इति यादवः; Śi.9.8. Hence गोत्रोद्दलनः means Indra; cf. इन्द्रे तु गोत्रोद्दलनः कुलघ्ने गिरिदारणे Nm.
    (-त्रा) 1 a multitude of cows.
    -2 the earth.
    ˚उच्चारः recitation of family pedigree.
    ˚कर्तृ, -कारिन् m. the founder of a family.
    ˚कीला the earth.
    ˚ज a. born in the same family, gentile, a relation; Bhāg.3.7.24; Y.2.135.
    ˚पटः a genealogical table, pedigree.
    ˚प्रवरः the oldest member or founder of a family.
    -भिद् m. an epithet of Indra; हृदि क्षतो गोत्रभिदप्यमर्षणः R.3.53;6.73; Ku.2.52.
    ˚स्खलनम्, ˚स्खलितम् blundering or mistaking in calling (one) by his name, calling by a wrong name; स्मरसि स्मर मेखलागुणैरुत गौत्रस्खलितेषु बन्धनम् Ku.4.8.
    - a. giving cows; Ms.4.231. (
    -दः) brain. (
    -दा) N. of the river Godāvarī.
    -दत्र a. Ved. giving cows. (
    -त्रः) an epithet of Indra. (
    -त्रम्) a crown (pro- tecting the head).
    -दन्त a. armed with a coat of mail.
    (-तम्) 1 yellow orpiment.
    -2 a white fossil substance.
    -दानम् 1 the gift of a cow.
    -2 the ceremony of tonsure or cutting the hair; रामलक्ष्मणयो राजन् गोदानं कारयस्व ह Rām.1.71.23; अथास्य गोदानविधेरनन्तरम् R.3. 33; (see Mallinātha's explanation of the word); कृत- गोदानमङ्गलाः U.1; अतोनं गोदानं दारकर्म च Kau. A.1.5; (Rām. explains the word differently).
    -3 the part of the head close to the right ear.
    -दाय a. intending to give cows.
    -दारणम् 1 a plough.
    -2 a spade, hoe.
    -दा, -दावरी N. of a river in the south.
    -दुह् m.,
    -दुहः 'cow-milker', a cowherd; सुदुघामिव गोदुहे R.1.4.1; चिरं निदध्यौ दुहतः स गोदुहः Śi.
    -दोहः 1 the milking of cows.
    -2 the milk of cows.
    -3 the time of milking cows.
    -दोहनम् 1 the time of milking cows.
    -2 the milking of cows; न लक्ष्यते ह्यवस्थानमपि गोदोहनं क्वचित् Bhāg.1.19. 4.
    -दोहनी a milk-pail.
    -द्रवः the urine of a bull or cow.
    -धनम् 1 a herd or multitude of cows, cattle.
    -2 possession of cows. (
    -नः) a broad-pointed arrow.
    -धरः a mountain.
    -धर्मः the law of cattle, rules relating to cattle; (open and unconcealed intercourse of the sexes); गोधर्मं सौरभेयाच्च सो$धीत्य निखिलं मुनिः । प्रावर्तत तदा कर्तुं श्रद्धावांस्तमशङ्कया ॥ Mb.1.14.26.
    -धुमः, -धूमः 1 wheat; Bṛi. Up.6.3.13.
    -2 the orange. ˚चूर्णम् wheat flour;
    -सम्भवम् a sour paste.
    -धूलिः 'dust of the cows', the time of sunset or evening twilight (so called be- cause cows, which generally return home at about sunset, raise up clouds of dust by their treading on the earth).
    -धेनुः a milch-cow with a calf.
    -भ्रः a mountain.
    -नन्दा an epithet of the wife of Śiva.
    -नन्दी the female of the Sārasa bird.
    -नर्दः 1 the (Indian) crane.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva (bellowing like a bull).
    -3 N. of a country.
    -नर्दीयः an epithet of Patañjali, author of the Mahābhāṣya.
    -नसः, -नासः 1 a kind of snake.
    -2 a kind of gem.
    -नसा the mouth of a cow.
    -नाथः 1 a bull.
    -2 an owner of land.
    -3 a herdsman.
    -4 an owner of kine.
    -नायः a cowherd; तद्यथा गोनायो$श्वनायः पुरुषनाय इत्येवं तदप आचक्षते$शनायेति Ch. Up.6.8.3.
    -नाशनः a wolf.
    -नासा the projecting snout of a cow or ox.
    -नासम् a kind of gem.
    -निष्यन्दः cow's urine.
    -पः 1 a cowherd (considered as belonging to a mixed tribe); गोपवेशस्य विष्णोः Me.15.
    -2 the chief of a cowpen.
    -3 the superintendent of a village.
    -4 a king.
    -5 a protector, guardian; Rv.1.61.1.
    ˚अनसी the wood of a thatch; गोपानसीषु क्षणमास्थितानाम् Śi.3.49.
    ˚अष्टमी the eighth day of the bright fortnight of Kārttika when Kṛiṣṇa is said to have worn the dress of a cowherd.
    ˚आटविका a cowherd.
    ˚कन्या 1 the daughter of a cowherd.
    -2 a nymph of Vṛindāvana.
    ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚इन्द्रः, ˚ईशः the chief of herdsmen, an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa.
    ˚चापः the rainbow.
    ˚दलः the betel-nut tree.
    ˚भद्रम् the fibrous root of a water-lily.
    ˚रसः gum myrrh.
    ˚राष्ट्राः (pl.) N. of a people. ˚वधूः f. a cowherd's wife; Bhāg.1.9.4. ˚वधूटी a young cowherdess, a young wife of a cowherd; गोपवधूटीदुकूलचौराय Bhāṣā P.1.
    (-पकः) 1 the superin- tendent of a district.
    -2 myrrh.
    (-पिका) 1 a cowher- dess; Bhāg.1.9.14-15.
    -2 protectress. (
    -पी) a cowherd's wife (especially applied to the cowherdesses of Vṛindāvana, the companions of Kṛiṣṇa in his juvenile sports).
    -2 a milk-maid.
    -3 a protectress.
    -4 Nature, elementary nature.
    -पतिः 1 an owner of cows.
    -2 a bull.
    -3 a leader, chief.
    -4 the sun; नीहारमिव गोपतिः Bhāg.1.12.1; Mb.1.173.32.
    -5 Indra; सुराङ्गना गोपतिचापगोपुरं पुरम् (जहुः) Ki.8.1.
    -6 N. of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -7 N. of Śiva.
    -8 N. of Varuṇa; एष पुत्रो महाप्रज्ञो वरुणस्येह गोपतेः Mb.5.98.11.
    -9 a king; नासतो विद्यते राजन् स ह्यरण्येषु गोपतिः Mb.12.135.26.
    -पथः N. of a Brāhmaṇa of Av.
    -पर्वतम् the name of the place where Pāṇini is said to have performed penance and propitiated Śiva; गोपर्वतमिति स्थानं शम्भोः प्रख्यापितं मया । यत्र पाणिनिना लेभे वैयाकरणिकाग्ऱ्यता ॥ अरुणाचलमाहात्म्यम्- उत्तरार्धः 2 अ. 68 श्लो.
    -पशुः a sacrificial cow.
    -पाः m. Ved.
    1 a herdsman.
    -2 protector, or guardian; मन्द्राग्रे- त्वरी भुवनस्य गोपा Av.2.1.57.
    -पानसी a curved beam which supports a thatch; गोपानसी तु वलभिच्छादने वक्रदारुणि Ak.2.2.15.
    -पालः 1 a cowherd; Ms.4.253.
    -2 a king.
    -3 an epithet of Śiva.
    -4 an epithet of Kṛ&iṣṇa. ˚धानी a cow-pen, cow-shed.
    -पालकः 1 a cowherd.
    -2 a king.
    -3 an epithet of Śiva; also of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -पालिः an epithet of Śiva.
    -पालिका, -पाली the wife of a cowherd; पार्थः प्रस्थापयामास कृत्वा गोपालिकावपुः Mb.1.221.19.
    -पालितः N. of a lexicographer.
    -पित्तम् bile of cows, ox-bile (from which the yellow pigment गोरोचना is prepared; गोपित्ततो रोचना Pt.1.94.).
    -पीतः a species of wagtail.
    -पीथः protection; अस्माकमृषीणां गोपीथे न उरुष्यतम् Rv.5.65.6. (
    -थम्) a holy place, a place of pilgrimage.
    -पुच्छम् a cow's tail.
    -2 a particular point of an arrow.
    (-च्छः) 1 a sort of monkey; Bhāg.8.2.22.
    -2 a sort of necklace consisting of two or four or thirty-four strings.
    -3 a kind of drum.
    -पुटिकम् the head of Śiva's bull.
    -पुत्रः 1 a young bull.
    -2 an epithet of Karṇa.
    -पुरम् 1 a town-gate; उत्तुङ्गसौधसुरमन्दिरगोपुरम् Māl.9.1.
    -2 a principal gate; दधतमुच्चशिलान्तरगोपुराः Ki.5.5.
    -3 the ornamental gate- way of a temple.
    -पुरीषम् cowdung.
    -प्रकाण्डम् an ex- cellent cow or bull.
    -प्रचारः pasture-ground, pasturage for cattle; ग्राम्येच्छया गोप्रचारो भूमी राजवशेन वा Y.2.166.
    -प्रत (ता) रः 1 a ford for cattle.
    -2 a place of pilgrimage on the Śarayū; यद्गोप्रतरकल्पो$भूत्संमर्दस्तत्र मज्जताम् । अतस्तदाख्यया तीर्थं पावनं भुवि पप्रथे ॥ R.15.11.
    -प्रदानम् same as गोदान.
    -प्रवेशः the time when cows return home, sunset or evening-twilight; गोप्रवेशसमये Bṛi. S.24.35.
    -फणा 1 a bandage hollowed out so as to fit the chin or nose &c.
    -2 a sling.
    -बालः the hair of cows.
    -भुज् m. a king; गोभुजां वल्लभा लक्ष्मीः Rāj. T.5.6.
    -भृत् m.
    1 a mountain.
    -2 a king.
    -मक्षिका a gadfly.
    -मघ a. granting cattle or cows कदा गोमघा हवनानि गच्छाः Rv.6.35.3.
    -मंडलम् 1 the globe.
    -2 a multitude of cows.
    -मण़्डीरः a kind of an aquatic bird; L. D. B.
    -मतम् = गव्यूति q. v.
    -मतल्लिका a tract- able cow, an excellent cow; अरिर्मधोरैक्षत गोमतल्लिकाम् Śi.12.41.
    -मथः a cowherd.
    -मध्यमध्य a. slender in the waist.
    -महिषदा N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on कार्तिकेय.
    -मांसम् beef.
    -मायु 1 a kind of frog.
    -2 a jackal; अनुहंकुरुते घनध्वनिं न हि गोमायुरुतानि केसरी Śi.16. 25.
    -3 bile of a cow.
    -4 N. of a Gandharva.
    -मीनः a kind of fish.
    -मुखः, -मुखम् [गोर्मुखमिव मुखमस्य] a kind of musical instrument; Bg.1.13; गोमुखानां च शृङ्गाणाम- नीकद्वयवर्तिनाम् Śiva. B.24.55.
    (-खः) 1 a crocodile, shark.
    -2 a hole of a particular shape in a wall made by thieves.
    (-खम्) 1 a house built unevenly.
    -2 spreading unguents, smearing; 'गोमुखं कुटिलाकारे वाद्यभाण्डे विलेपने' इति विश्वः; यस्यामलिन्देषु न चक्रुरेव मुग्धाङ्गना गोमयगो- मुखानि Śi.3.48. (
    -खम्, -खी) a cloth-bag of the shape of a gnomon containing a rosary, the beads of which are counted by the hand thrust inside.
    -2 a house built unevenly.
    -3 a particular method of sitting (a योगासन) (
    -खी) the chasm in the Himālaya mountains through which the Ganges flows.
    -मूढ a. stupid as a bull.
    -मूत्रम् cow's urine.
    -मूत्रकः a variety of lapis lazuli (बैदूर्य); Kau. A.2.11.
    -कम् a particular attitude (मण्डल) in गदायुद्ध; दक्षिणं मण्डलं सव्यं गोमूत्रकमथापि च । व्यचर- त्पाण्डवो राजन्नरिं संमोहयन्निव ॥ Mb.9.58.23. -a. zigzagging, going unevenly.
    -मूत्रिका 1 an artificial verse, the second of which repeats nearly all the syllables of the first. (Malli. thus defines it:-- वर्णानामेकरूपत्वं यद्येकान्तरमर्धयोः गोमूत्रिकेति तत्प्राहुर्दुष्करं तद्विदो विदुः ॥ see Śi.19.46.)
    -2 a form of calculation.
    -मृगः a kind of ox (गवय).
    -मेदः a gem brought from the Himālaya and Indus, des- cribed as of four different colours:-- white, pale-yellow, red, and dark-blue.
    -मेदकः 1 see गोमेद.
    -2 a kind of poison (काकोल).
    -3 smearing the body with unguents.
    -मेधः, -यज्ञः a cow-sacrifice; Rām.7.25.8.
    -यानम्, -रथः a carriage drawn by oxen; Rām.2.82.26; Ms. 11.174.
    -युक्त a. drawn by oxen.
    -युतम् 1 a cattle station.
    -2 a measure of two Krośas (गव्यूत); गोयुते गोयुते चैव न्यवसत्पुरुषर्षभः Mb.14.65.22.
    -रक्षः 1 a cow- herd.
    -2 keeping or tending cattle.
    -3 the orange.
    -4 an epithet of Śiva. ˚जम्बू f. wheat.
    -रक्षणम् tending cattle (with religious faith).
    -रङ्कुः 1 a water-fowl
    -2 a prisoner.
    -3 a naked man, a mendicant wandering about without clothes.
    -4 a chanter.
    -रवम् saffron.
    -रसः cow's milk.
    -2 curds.
    -3 buttermilk.
    -4 the flavour of a sentence; को रसो गोरसं विना Udb. ˚जम् buttermilk.
    -राजः an excellent bull.
    -राटिका, -राटी the Sārikā bird.
    -रुतम् a measure of dis- tance equal to two Krośas.
    -रूपम् the form of a cow. (
    -पः) N. of Śiva.
    -रोचम् yellow orpiment.
    -रोचना a bright yellow pigment prepared from the urine or bile of a cow, or found in the head of a cow.
    -लवणम् a measure of salt given to a cow.
    -लाङ्गु- (गू) लः a kind of monkey with a dark body, red cheeks and a tail like that of a cow; गोलाङ्गूलः कपोलं छुरयति रजसा कौसुमेन प्रियायाः Māl.9.3.
    -लोकः a part of heaven, cow-world.
    -लोभिका, -लोभी 1 a prostitute.
    -2 white Dūrvā grass.
    -3 Zedoary.
    -4 N. of a shrub.
    -वत्सः a calf. ˚आदिन m. a wolf.
    -वधः the killing of a cow; Ms.11.59.
    -वर्धनः a celebrated hill in वृन्दावन the country about Mathurā. ('This hill was lifted up and supported by Kṛiṣṇa upon one finger for seven days to shelter the cowherds from a storm of rain sent by Indra to test Kṛiṣṇa's divinity.') ˚धरः, ˚धरिन् m. an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -वरम् pounded cowdung.
    -वशा a barren cow.
    -वाटम्, -वासः a cow-pen.
    -वासन a. covered with an ox-hide.
    -विकर्तः, -विकर्तृ m.
    1 the killer of a cow; Mb.4.2.9.
    -2 a hus- bandman.
    -विततः a horse-sacrifice having many cows.
    -विन्दः 1 a cowkeeper, a chief herdsman.
    -2 N. of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -3 Bṛihaspati. ˚द्वादशी the twelfth day in the light half of the month of फाल्गुन
    -विष् f.,
    -विष्ठा cowdung.
    -विषाणिकः a kind of musical instrument; Mb.6.44.4.
    -विसर्गः day-break (when cows are let loose to graze in forests); Rām.7.111.9.
    -वीथिः f. N. of that portion of the moon's path which contains the asterisms भाद्रपदा, रेवती and अश्विनी, or according to some, हस्त, चित्रा and स्वाती Bṛi. S.9.2.
    -वीर्यम् the price received for milk.
    -वृन्दम् a drove of cattle.
    -वृन्दारकः an excellent bull or cow.
    -वृषः, -वृषभः an excellent bull; न तां शेकुर्नृपा वोढुमजित्वा सप्त गोवृषान् Bhāg 1.58.33. ˚ध्वजः an epithet of Śiva.
    -वैद्यः a quack docter.
    -व्रजः 1 a cow-pen.
    -2 a herd of cows.
    -3 a place where cattle graze.
    -व्रत, -व्रतिन् a. one who imitates a cow in fru- gality;...अत्र गोव्रतिनो विप्राः... ॥ यत्रपत्रशयो नित्यं येन केन- चिदाशितः । येन केनचिदाच्छन्नः स गोव्रत इहोच्यते ॥ Mb.5.99. 13-14.
    -शकृत् n. cowdung; Ms.2.182.
    -शतम् a present of a hundred cows to a Brāhmaṇa.
    -शालम्, -ला a cow-stall.
    -शीर्षः, -र्षम् a kind of sandal; Kau. A.2.11.
    -2 a kind of weapon (arrow ?); Mb.7.178. 23.
    -षड्गवम् three pairs of kine.
    -षन्, -षा a. Ved. acquiring or bestowing cows.
    -षा (सा) तिः 1 acquiring cattle; or fighting for cattle. गोषाता यस्य ते गिरः Rv.8.84.7.
    -2 giving cattle.
    -ष्टोमः a kind of sacri- fice fasting for one day.
    -संख्यः a cowherd.
    -सदृक्षः a species of ox (गवय).
    -सर्गः the time at which cows are usually let loose, day-break; see गोविसर्ग.
    -सवः a kind of cow-sacrifice (not performed in the Kali age); Mb.3.3.17.
    -सहस्रम् a kind of present (महादान). (
    -स्त्री) N. of two holidays on the fifteenth day of the dark half of कार्तिक and ज्येष्ठ.
    -सावित्री N. of a hymn (cf. गायत्री).
    -सूत्रिका a rope fastened at both ends having separate halters for each ox or cow.
    -स्तनः 1 the udder of a cow.
    -2 a cluster of blossoms, nosegay &c.
    -3 a pearl-necklace of four strings.
    -4 a kind of fort.
    -स्तना, -नी a bunch of grapes.
    -स्थानम्, -क्रम् a cow-pen.
    -स्वामिन् m.
    1 an owner of cows.
    -2 a religious mendicant.
    -3 an honorary title affixed to proper names; (e. g. वोपदेवगोस्वामिन्).
    -हत्या cow-slaughter.
    -हल्लम् (sometimes written हन्नम्) cow-dung.
    -हरः, -हरणम् stealing of cows; गोष्ठमुत्किरति गोहरं वदेत् Bṛi. S.89.9. (v. l.)
    -हित a. cherishing or protecting kine. (
    -तः) N. of Viṣṇu.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > गो _gō

  • 14 Neophema chrysogaster

    3. ENG orange-bellied [orange-breasted] parrot, orang-bellied [orange-breasted] grass parrakeet
    4. DEU Goldbauchsittich m, Orangebauchsittich m, Grünzügeligel-Schönsittich m, Grünzügel-Schönsittich m
    5. FRA perruche f à ventre orangé [à lunettes vertes]


  • 15 Goldbauchsittich

    3. ENG orange-bellied [orange-breasted] parrot, orang-bellied [orange-breasted] grass parrakeet
    4. DEU Goldbauchsittich m, Orangebauchsittich m, Grünzügeligel-Schönsittich m, Grünzügel-Schönsittich m
    5. FRA perruche f à ventre orangé [à lunettes vertes]


  • 16 Grünzügel-Schönsittich

    3. ENG orange-bellied [orange-breasted] parrot, orang-bellied [orange-breasted] grass parrakeet
    4. DEU Goldbauchsittich m, Orangebauchsittich m, Grünzügeligel-Schönsittich m, Grünzügel-Schönsittich m
    5. FRA perruche f à ventre orangé [à lunettes vertes]


  • 17 Grünzügeligel-Schönsittich

    3. ENG orange-bellied [orange-breasted] parrot, orang-bellied [orange-breasted] grass parrakeet
    4. DEU Goldbauchsittich m, Orangebauchsittich m, Grünzügeligel-Schönsittich m, Grünzügel-Schönsittich m
    5. FRA perruche f à ventre orangé [à lunettes vertes]


  • 18 Orangebauchsittich

    3. ENG orange-bellied [orange-breasted] parrot, orang-bellied [orange-breasted] grass parrakeet
    4. DEU Goldbauchsittich m, Orangebauchsittich m, Grünzügeligel-Schönsittich m, Grünzügel-Schönsittich m
    5. FRA perruche f à ventre orangé [à lunettes vertes]


  • 19 попугайчик, золотистобрюхий травяной

    3. ENG orange-bellied [orange-breasted] parrot, orang-bellied [orange-breasted] grass parrakeet
    4. DEU Goldbauchsittich m, Orangebauchsittich m, Grünzügeligel-Schönsittich m, Grünzügel-Schönsittich m
    5. FRA perruche f à ventre orangé [à lunettes vertes]

    DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES — BIRDS > попугайчик, золотистобрюхий травяной

  • 20 perruche à lunettes vertes

    3. ENG orange-bellied [orange-breasted] parrot, orang-bellied [orange-breasted] grass parrakeet
    4. DEU Goldbauchsittich m, Orangebauchsittich m, Grünzügeligel-Schönsittich m, Grünzügel-Schönsittich m
    5. FRA perruche f à ventre orangé [à lunettes vertes]


См. также в других словарях:

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  • orange grass — noun annual wiry stemmed North American weed with minute scalelike leaves and small yellow flowers • Syn: ↑nitweed, ↑pineweed, ↑pine weed, ↑Hypericum gentianoides • Hypernyms: ↑St John s wort * * * noun : a No. American w …   Useful english dictionary

  • Orange — Or ange ([o^]r [e^]nj), n. [F.; cf. It. arancia, arancio, LL. arangia, Sp. naranjia, Pg. laranja; all fr. Ar. n[=a]ranj, Per. n[=a]ranj, n[=a]rang; cf. Skr. n[=a]ranga orange tree. The o in F. orange is due to confusion with or gold, L. aurum,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Orange bird — Orange Or ange ([o^]r [e^]nj), n. [F.; cf. It. arancia, arancio, LL. arangia, Sp. naranjia, Pg. laranja; all fr. Ar. n[=a]ranj, Per. n[=a]ranj, n[=a]rang; cf. Skr. n[=a]ranga orange tree. The o in F. orange is due to confusion with or gold, L.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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